8:45 am |
10:10 am |
2:15 pm |
4:15 pm |
ES 1 |
The three "ups" -07 |
Face to Face -25 |
Teaching without Touching -60 |
ES 2 |
In Thought and Action: outlines of a new field (1 of 3) -06 |
Working with the Chakras and the AT -79 |
Golfing with the Alexander Technique -58 |
ES 4 |
Working with a Pupil with Parkinson's Disease -112 |
Varela's Three Gestures of Becoming Aware -18 |
A.T. as a Tool in Wearing and Playing in Theatre Masks -55 |
From Reflective Practise to Effective Practise -75 |
ES 5 |
A New Way of Thinking -74 |
Talking Hands Workshop -45 |
The Ambush of Fear -62 |
Diamond Dart Meridian Sequence -105 |
ES 6 |
A Developmental Context for Voicework -68 |
Body, Mind, Movement in Relation to Voice Work -44 |
Body, Mind, Movement in Relation to Voice Work -44 |
Where it all Began: the use of the breath and voice -56 |
ES 7 |
Alexander and da Vinci -57 |
Self-enquiry, Modelling and the Use of the Self -23 |
Alexander Technique in Rowing -80 |
ES 8 |
Designing a Life-Changing Course of AT Lessons -108 |
Enhancing the Teacher-Pupil Relationship -110 |
ES 9 |
Stalls open 4:00-5:45 (except Thursday) |
ES 10 |
Café open 1:00-4:30 in South West Hall (except Thursday) |
ES 12 |
Video showing |
ES 13 |
Congress Office open 8:15-10:00 and 4:00-5:45 |
The Spherologically Impaired -98 (outside, meet here) |
ES 14 |
All Fingers and Thumbs -53 |
Variations of a Teacher's Art -65 |
How to Stop Breathing and Live -20 |
Standing: Humpty Dumpty or Homo Alexandrensis? -41 |
ES 15 |
Video of Work with Teachers in New York -107 |
Graviceptors in the Spine: Research Support for Touch -02 |
Teaching People with Parkinsons -92 |
Thinking, Feeling, Doing -76 |
East |
Walter Carrington |
The Generous Voice -08 |
AT and Education -123 |
The Feet and the AT -32 |
North |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
South |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Luncheon |
Use of Yourself When Teaching on the Floor-101 |
Detached Observation -33 |
Working with the Saddle Horse -83 |
New Adventures on the Wooden Saddle Horse -04 |
Mure Music |
Decoding Dancerspeak -51 |
Working with Musicians -64 |
A Workshop for Pianists and Others -115 |
Argentine Tango -21 |
Town Hall: Elisabeth Walker
Assembly Room: Alex. Technique and the Moving Arts -61
Special pool: 4:30-5:45 pm: Using Ourselves in Water -27
Old Law L |
Inhibition -30 |
Speaking of Self -99 |
What did Miss Goldie Understand? -47 |
Grove SR |
Give Your Directions, Do Nothing -42 |
How to Become a Directed Dog - AT and Yoga -86 |
To See from a Quiet Place -95 |
8:45 am |
10:10 am |
2:15 pm |
4:15 pm |
ES 1 |
The Whispered 'Ah' -119 |
An Open and Shut Case
-96 |
Teaching without Touching -60 |
ES 2 |
Meditation -118 |
Thought Shepherding in Singing -11 |
Click "Refresh"! Fine Tuning of Familiar Procedures -81 |
Let Your Life Flow -Working with the Emotions -66 |
ES 4 |
Our Own Newton: A Methodology for a Personal Science -10 |
Means and Principles in the Alexander Technique -121 |
Group Teaching: preparing the receptive field -19 |
From Reflective Practise to Effective Practise -75 |
ES 5 |
A New Way of Thinking -74 |
Golfing with the Alexander Technique -58 |
The Ambush of Fear -62 |
Diamond Dart Meridian Sequence -105 |
ES 6 |
Personality Adaptations and the Alexander Technique -109 |
Where it all Began: the use of the breath and voice -56 |
Themes and Variations: how we learn to love monkey -26 |
ES 7 |
The Influence of Footwear on Movement and Poise -31 |
We Can Believe our Eyes -36 |
The Alexander Technique as an Art and Science -48 |
ES 8 |
A Means to Vital Freedom - "The Little School" -106 |
Alexander Technique and Hypermobility -89 |
ES 9 |
Stalls open 4:00-5:45 (except Thursday) |
ES 10 |
Café open 1:00-4:30 in South West Hall (except Thursday) |
ES 12 |
Alexander's Discoveries and Directions as a Means -46 |
Video showing |
ES 13 |
Congress Office open 8:15-10:00 and 4:00-5:45 |
The Spherologically Impaired -98 (outside, meet here) |
ES 14 |
Alexander Technique and Performance -103 |
All Fingers and Thumbs -53 |
How to Stop Breathing and Live -20 |
Do your emotions help or hinder your Alexander progress? -22 |
ES 15 |
The Role of the Mitzvah Mechanism in the AT -05 |
In Thought and Action: outlines of a new field (2 of 3) -06 |
Thinking, Feeling, Doing -76 |
A Workshop for Children of all Ages, Part 1 -70 |
East |
Walter Carrington |
Jonathan Cole lecture: Living without Proprioception |
So what is the Alexander Technique, anyway? -03 |
The Future of the Profession -124 |
North |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
South |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Luncheon |
Use of Yourself When Teaching on the Floor-101 |
Detached Observation -33 |
Basic Directions Revisited -39 |
The AT in Pregnancy and Childbirth -63 |
Mure Music |
What is Presence on Stage? -78 |
Working with Musicians -64 |
Shall we Dance? Social ballroom dance and AT principles -73 |
Argentine Tango -21 |
Town Hall: Elisabeth Walker
Special pool: 4:30-5:45 pm: Using Ourselves in Water -27
Old Law L |
Working with the Saddle Horse -83 |
What did Miss Goldie Understand? -47 |
Grove SR |
Give Your Directions, Do Nothing -42 |
Speaking of Self -99 |
To See from a Quiet Place -95 |
Holywell Music R. |
Alexander's Hidden Aesthetic -49 |
The Singing Voice - Comparative Listening and Vocal Direction -01 |
Speaking Shakespeare's Sonnets -34 |
8:45 am |
10:45 am |
No plenum meeting |
ES 1 |
An Open and Shut Case
-96 |
Teaching without Touching -60 |
Lunch at 12:30: Early dinner at 6:00 pm |
ES 2 |
Working with the Chakras and the AT -79 |
The Art of Breathing -102 |
Free afternoon for excursions, seeing Oxford, or |
ES 4 |
Thinking, Feeling, Doing -76 |
Forward and Up: Back and Up -77 |
ES 5 |
Helpful Hints for Inexperienced Teachers -43 |
Diamond Dart Meridian Sequence -105 |
ES 6 |
From Reflective Practise to Effective Practise -75 |
Self-enquiry, Modelling and the Use of the Self -23 |
Special extra activities |
ES 7 |
The Uncommitted Hand -59 |
A.T. as a Tool in Wearing and Playing in Theatre Masks -55 |
Steven Shaw in pool: 2 - 4 pm. Meet in Entrance Hall 1:45 pm. |
ES 8 |
From Sole to Soul: a look at walking -87 |
We Can Believe our Eyes -36 |
ES 9 |
Stalls open 10:30-12:00 |
ES 10 |
Café open 1:00-4:30 in South West Hall (except Thursday) |
ES 12 |
ES 13 |
Congress Office open 8:15-9:55 and 4:15-5:45 |
The Spherologically Impaired -98 (outside, meet here) |
ES 14 |
How to Stop Breathing and Live -20 |
The Lumbosacral Spine: What Goes Wrong? -14 |
ES 15 |
In Thought and Action: outlines of a new field (3 of 3) -06 |
Fundamentals of the Shaw Method of Swimming -88 |
East |
Ee Ah, Eee Aw, I am "Translated" -35 |
The Impact of Language on your Pupils -69 |
North |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
South |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Luncheon |
Use of Yourself When Teaching on the Floor-101 |
The AT in Pregnancy and Childbirth -63 |
Mure Music |
A Workshop for Pianists and Others -115 |
The Use of the Self in Music-making, Especially Piano -29 |
PR |
Aikido, the Art of Non-Resistance -90 |
Aikido, the Art of Non-Resistance -90 |
Old Law L |
Speaking of Self -99 |
What did Miss Goldie Understand? -47 |
Grove SR |
Basic Directions Revisited -39 |
Give Your Directions, Do Nothing -42 |
Assembly Room |
Alexander Technique and the Moving Arts -61 |
8:45 am |
10:10 am |
2:15 pm |
4:15 pm |
ES 1 |
Alexander's 'Directions' as a replication of Growth -104 |
The three "ups" -07 |
Meet Joan and Jackie Evans |
Meet Joan and Jackie Evans |
ES 2 |
Meditation -118 |
A. T. and the Spiritual Path -114 |
Teaching the AT in the 21st Century -24 |
Click "Refresh"! Fine Tuning of Familiar Procedures -81 |
ES 4 |
Conceptualisation as an Essential Source of Habit Patterns -17 |
Tailoring the ITM lesson -120 |
Go to I Do Not Know Where and Bring Back I Do Not Know -72 |
A Workshop for Children of all Ages, Part 2 -71 |
ES 5 |
Talking Hands Workshop -45 |
A New Way of Thinking -74 |
Helpful Hints for Inexperienced Teachers -43 |
Working with Performers -82 |
ES 6 |
Personality Adaptations and the Alexander Technique -109 |
The Art of Teaching Performers -100 |
Themes and Variations: how we learn to love monkey -26 |
Where it all Began: the use of the breath and voice -56 |
ES 7 |
Creating a Support Group of Teachers -111 |
Transforming Judgment into Connection -28 |
The Uncommitted Hand -59 |
Playful Procedures -97 |
ES 8 |
Many Facets of Self -113 |
We Can Believe our Eyes -36 |
A lesson in the AT -40 |
ES 9 |
Stalls open 4:00-5:45 (except Thursday) |
ES 10 |
Café open 1:00-4:30 in South West Hall (except Thursday) |
ES 12 |
Alexander's Discoveries and Directions as a Means -46 |
Video showing |
ES 13 |
Congress Office open 8:15-10:00 and 4:00-5:45 |
ES 14 |
Variations of a Teacher's Art -65 |
All Fingers and Thumbs -53 |
Alexander Teachers and Pain: exploration of a paradox -85 |
Bring your Back to the Party/Bring your Voice -50 |
ES 15 |
Graviceptors in the Spine: Research Support for Touch -02 |
To Teach the School Teacher - presentation of a project -16 |
Forward and Up: Back and Up -77 |
The AT and Movement Disorders -13 |
East |
Walter Carrington |
Eyesight, Vision and the Alexander Principle -52 |
Teaching Paradigms -37 |
North |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
South |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Luncheon |
Use of Yourself When Teaching on the Floor-101 |
Detached Observation -33 |
Basic Directions Revisited -39 |
New Adventures on the Wooden Saddle Horse -04 |
Mure Music |
Decoding Dancerspeak -51 |
Working with Musicians -64 |
The Use of the Self in Music-making, Especially Piano -29 |
Argentine Tango -21 |
Town Hall |
Old Law L |
The Support System -126 |
Inhibition -30 |
Working with the Saddle Horse -83 |
To See from a Quiet Place -95 |
Grove SR |
Speaking of Self -99 |
How to Become a Directed Dog - AT and Yoga -86 |
Holywell Music R. |
The Singing Voice - Comparative Listening and Vocal Direction -01 |
Speaking Shakespeare's Sonnets -34 |
8:45 am |
10:10 am |
2:15 pm |
4:15 pm |
ES 1 |
Thought Shepherding in Singing -11 |
The Whispered 'Ah' -119 |
Teaching without Touching -60 |
Feet - The Final Frontier -91 |
ES 2 |
Golfing with the Alexander Technique -58 |
A. T. and the Spriritual Path -114 |
Let Your Life Flow -Working with the Emotions -66 |
The Art of Breathing -102 |
ES 4 |
Working with a Pupil with Parkinson's Disease -112 |
Means and Principles in the Alexander Technique -121 |
Group Teaching: preparing the receptive field -19 |
Fundamentals of the Shaw Method of Swimming -88 |
ES 5 |
The Role of a Journal for the Alexander Community -116 |
A New Way of Thinking -74 |
The Ambush of Fear -62 |
Designing a Life-Changing Course of AT Lessons -108 |
ES 6 |
The Art of Teaching Performers -100 |
A Developmental Context for Voicework -68 |
Where it all Began: the use of the breath and voice -56 |
A lesson in the AT -40 |
ES 7 |
Transforming Judgment into Connection -28 |
Tight Rope Walking -122 |
We Can Believe our Eyes -36 |
Alexander Technique in Rowing -80 |
ES 8 |
Many Facets of Self -113 |
Performing the AT -15 |
How to Stop Breathing and Live -20 |
Alexander Technique and Hypermobility -89 |
ES 9 |
Stalls open 4:00-5:45 (except Thursday) |
ES 10 |
Café open 1:00-4:30 in South West Hall (except Thursday) |
ES 12 |
Video showing |
ES 13 |
Congress Office open 8:15-10:00 and 4:00-5:45 |
The Spherologically Impaired -98 (outside, meet here) |
ES 14 |
Varela's Three Gestures of Becoming Aware -18 |
Competency-based Training and Accreditation -117 |
FM's Twinkle: working with a subtle sense of humour -54 |
ES 15 |
Tailoring the ITM lesson -120 |
The Generous Voice -08 |
Forward and Up: Back and Up -77 |
The Impact of Language on your Pupils -69 |
East |
FM Alexander Hand Analysis -12 |
The Little School and Beyond -09 |
Eyesight, Vision and the Alexander Principle -52 |
So what is the Alexander Technique, anyway? -03 |
North |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
South |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Work exchange |
Luncheon |
Use of Yourself When Teaching on the Floor-101 |
Detached Observation-33 |
Working with the Saddle Horse -83 |
Playful Procedures -97 |
Mure Music |
What is Presence on Stage? -78 |
Working with Musicians -64 |
A Workshop for Pianists and Others -115 |
Argentine Tango -21 |
Town Hall |
Elisabeth Walker |
Old Law L |
To See from a Quiet Place -95 |
What did Miss Goldie Understand? -47 |
Grove SR |
Inhibition Applied to Storytelling -94 |
Give Your Directions, Do Nothing -42 |
How to Become a Directed Dog - AT and Yoga -86 |
Assembly Room |
Alexander Technique and the Moving Arts -61 |