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Home > 7th Congress introduction > Programme > Selecting presentations
How to select presentations
The following were sent out with the programme in the beginning of July to all delegates.

Letter in pdf

Selection forms in pdf (please note this is only 5 pages long - the remaining 5 pages are blank).
The number following the title of the presentation is the presentation number: the printed programme lists presentations in their number order.

Changes/Corrections to the printed programme:

Cancellation: Jessica Wolf's "The Art of Breathing" (102) has been cancelled as Jessica Wolf is unfortunately now unable to attend.

Cancellation: Cohen Nehemia's lecture "The Role of the Mitzvah Mechanism" (005) has been cancelled as Cohen Nehemia is unfortuantely unable to attend.

Cancellation: Patrick Gundry-White's workshops "All Fingers and Thumbs" (053) and "F. M.'s Twinkle" (054) have been cancelled because he is unable to attend.

Reschedule: Saturday, B2 in ES4 (Fundamentals of the Shaw Method of Swimming-88) has been cancelled. This workshop will now take place Friday, A2 in ES8. Sign up for the Friday workshop on the noticeboard in the Examination Schools.

Reschedule: Saturday, A2 in ES7 (Tight Rope Walking-122) has been cancelled. This workshop will now take place Wednesday, A2 in ES7. Sign up for the Wednesday workshop on the noticeboard in the Examination Schools.

Reschedule: Friday, B1 in ES5 (Helpful Hints for Inexperienced Teachers-43) has been cancelled. This workshop will now take place Wednesday, A1 in ES8. Sign up for the Wednesday workshop on the noticeboard in the Examination Schools.

Reschedule: Friday, A1 in ES1 (Alexander's Directions as a Replication of Growth -104) has been cancelled. This workshop will now take place Wednesday, A2 in ES1. Sign up for the Wednesday workshop on the noticeboard in the Examination Schools.

Reschedule: Saturday, B2 in ES4 (Fundamentals of the Shaw Method of Swimming-88) has been cancelled. This workshop will now take place Friday, A2 in ES8. Sign up for the Friday workshop on the noticeboard in the Examination Schools.

Correction: Selection forms: here should be a box connected with Tuesday B2 and Wednesday B2 - Using Ourselves in Water (27). This workshop can be selected by writing a number in front of the title.

Correction: page 20: Presentation no. 127 'The Future of A. T. Teacher Education' should be listed in A2, East. Sign up for this lecture on the noticeboard in the Examination Schools.

Correction: page 14 (note that the selection forms are correct and the text in the synopses are correct with regard to this). An extra line was inserted by mistake and pushed down presentations no. 45, no. 68, no. 44 and no. 57.

The correct times are:

Talking Hands Workshop -45 takes place A2 in ES5.
A Developmental Context for Voicework -68 takes place in ES6 (A1)
Body, Mind, Movement in Relation to Voice Work -44 takes place in ES6 (A2).
Alexander and da Vinci -57 takes place in ES7 (A1).

Correction: St Edmund Hall residents, please note that breakfast is served 8:00-8:30 am (not 7:30 as stated in the programme).

Here follows a more detailed 'how-to-make-selections' than the letter above.

Presentations here means workshops, discussion groups, and lectures which are not plenum meetings or evening lectures or evening performances.

You can choose one presentation in the morning and one in the afternoon: for the second slot in the morning and the second slot in the afternoon you will automatically be allocated exchange of work.

If you choose a workshop 8:45 - 10 am, you will be allocated a work exchange slot 10:15 - 11:30 am. If you choose a workshop 10:15 - 11:30 am, you will be allocated a work exchange slot 8:45 - 10 am.

So, every day you will be doing one presentation and one work exchange in the morning, one presentation and one work exchange in the afternoon (except Thursday where the afternoon is off).

Fill in the form by indicating your first preference by "1", second preference by "2", etc. For each morning you can fill in as many numbers as there are presentations, for example 1 to 10. And the same for each afternoon.

Scroll down for examples of right and wrong ways of filling in your selection forms.

You will be allocated presentations according to your enrolment number and there are plenty of presentations. Fill in as many as you can. If you, for example, only fill in four preferences (1-4) and none are available you will be allocated a presentation at random. If you choose small workshops (e.g. limited to 8) you will need to enter many choices. If you choose bigger presentations, such as lectures, which can take 100 or 200, you will only need to make few choices as you have a good chance of getting them.

We assume you will only attend each presentation once and will therefore not allocate you a (repeated) presentation more than once, even there is space. If you wish to attend a presentation more than once you are welcome to sign up for any extra places listed on the noticeboards in the Examination Schools.

Each section (A1, A2, B1, B2) contains a minimum of 500 spaces, often 600 or 700. Of these, an average of 200 are workshop-only spaces, the remaining being lectures or lecture/demonstrations. With only about 330 delegates for each section, statistically each delegate has a good chance being allocated their first or second choice (unless these choices are for small workshop).

Make sure this form reaches us by 30th July. After 30th July forms will not be processed according to enrolment number but according to when they were received by us.

Remember to write your surname and registration number on each sheet (your registration number is on your confirmation sheet and is on the address label of the envelope which contain your programme). If we do not know who filled in the forms, we cannot process them.

At registration you will be given a list of the presentations you have been allocated.

Regret a choice later? At the Congress there will be a listing of all presentations. If you there is room in one presentation you wish to join you are welcome to sign up to it as long as you remove your name from the presentation which it replaces.

We cannot guarantee that workshops will happen as scheduled. For reasons beyond our control a presentation leader may withdraw or change their timing. If changes happen before the start of the Congress we will re-allocate you according to your preferences. After the Congress has started we will ask you to choose according to available presentations (there will be a listing of all presentations and you can add your name to any presentation which has room).


Below correct: preferences starting from 1 given for the morning, in A1 and A2. If this delegate gets his/her first choice which appears in A1, he/she will be allocated work-exchange in the A2 time. If he/she gets the second choice which appears in A2, he/she will be allocated work-exchange in the A1 time.


Below correct: preferences starting from 1 given only in A1. By doing it in this way the delegate will be allocated work-exchange in A2.


Below incorrect: of all the morning presentations here, we do not know which presentation is preferred because there are two '1's, two '2's, etc. All delegates can attend one presentation each morning and each afternoon, not two.

Any questions? Please ask us.