ANDREWS, Meade |
Meade Andrews studied intensively with Marjorie Barstow (1975-86), graduated from the Alexander Alliance in Philadelphia in 1986, and is a teaching member of AMSAT and ATI. Working in Washington DC for twenty-five years, she directed the dance program at the American University, and served on the teaching faculty of the Studio Theatre Acting Conservatory. She has also taught numerous workshops for performing artists in the US, Japan, Australia, and Spain. She currently teaches in the graduate acting program at Florida Atlantic University, and maintains a private practice in Boca Raton. She recently completed a course in the Alexander Technique and the Art of Breathing with Jessica Wolf in New York at ACAT. The Alexander Technique permeates and inspires each aspect of Meade's professional life as a dancer, choreographer, teacher, acting coach, and movement consultant for professional and educational theatre. |
ARCAYA, Beret |
An ACAT-NY graduate 1981, Beret served on ACAT board 1982-85. A founding member of NASTAT (now AMSAT) she has taught AT for 22 years and has continued performing actively in 17-19th century chamber music. From 1996 onwards she has taken eight graduate terms with Walter Carrington and will continue to do this as far into the future as she can. In September 2003 she opened a teacher training course in New York City called Habit and Choice. |
ARMOUR, Kathryn |
Kathryn teaches AT and voice an New York University and gives voice master classes and performances internationally. |
Trained at ATA in London, UK, in the early 80s. His practice since then has consisted mostly of private tuition. This includes many years giving group workshops for further education and summer schools, and also a number of years as assistant director of the Bristol AT teacher training school. His work is influenced by many years of tai chi chuan and buqi healing work, a development of tai chi internal energy. Horse riding and tango dancing provide inspiration and pleasure for further development. |
BAKER, Paul |
PPaul co-founded the first official Hang Gliding School in the UK in the 1970's and was one of the pioneers of microlight flying. Since the 1980s his philosophical concerns led to increasing activity in seeking to bring about a "sustainable society". Back problems caused by misuse of himself in his organic gardening led to lessons in the AT and eventual graduation from BATTSA in 1994. After meeting Marjory Barstow at the Brighton Congress he studied with her and with Don Weed, doing the first ITM training and assisting on some subsequent trainings. He has also trained in NLP up to trainer level and in Developmental Behavioural Modelling. He has qualified and practised as a hypnotherapist, and has taught T'ai Chi for over 14 years. He is developing a centre dedicated to creating a community of people seeking to acquire and share the skills and knowledge necessary for bringing about a sustainable society. Alexander Technique is a core element of all his work.. |
BASSAN, Nili |
Nili studied in England with Patrick MacDonald and Peter Scott, graduating in 1969. For about 35 years she has taught the Alexander Technique individually. In 1981, she opened The Alexander Technique School (now The Alexander Technique Centre) in Haifa which she still runs today. Nili has taught at Wingate Institutions, at the municipal drama school of Haifa, in the Orthopaedic Ward of Bnei Zion Hospital in Haifa, in the rehabilitation centre of Beit Halochem, in alternative medicine courses at the University of Haifa. She regularly runs workshops for Alexander Technique teachers, actors, musicians and singers in Canada and The United States. She has studied acupuncture with Professor Worsley at the Chinese College of Acupuncture in England graduating in 1972 and has practised it ever since. She graduated from Qi Gong school of Jiu Ling Peng, becoming Master of Qui Gong and practicing/teaching it for the past thirteen years. |
BATSON, Glenna |
Glenna Batson, PT, MA, is a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique (AmSAT, ATI), and former faculty in physical therapy at Western Carolina University (neuroscience curriculum). She has taught the Technique since 1990, both nationally and internationally. She is founder and director of Wellness Partners in the Arts (www.wpadurham.com), a community-based center for the movement arts in Durham, NC, and is completing a doctorate in neuroscience. Having taught extensively in dance and health milieus, Glenna will join the Department of Dramatic Arts at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill this fall as their Alexander Technique teacher in residence. |
BATTYE, Anne |
Anne trained with Marjory Barlow, qualifying in 1964. She has taught the Technique continuously ever since, at the RADA, the Alexander Institute, and privately. She has been involved in student training since 1969, works as a Moderator for STAT, enjoys working with Alexander teachers from many backgrounds and many countries. Until very recently she was a member and past chair of the STAT Training Course Committee. |
BEATTIE, Colin |
Colin was a successful competitive sprint free style swimmer for his province and his country, Ireland. He has been teaching swimming for ten years. He first took lessons in the Alexander Technique because of a painful back and problems with balance and coordination. He went on to train as a teacher at the Constructive Teaching Centre in London and qualified in 2001. He has also trained and worked with Steven and Limor Shaw. He teaches both the Alexander Technique and swimming in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, Belfast, Northern Ireland, and to students at the Constructive Teaching Centre. |
BEDFORD, Robert |
Robert has appeared widely in solo recitals throughout the USA. A Juilliard graduate, he was a gold medallist in the International Recording Programme for Pianists. He is now a professor of piano at West Chester University in Pennsylvania and created the popular lecture-recital Americas Musical Heritage, featuring the music of Gottschalk, Gershwin and Martirano. He has taught the AT for more than a decade to musicians and others and many of his former students are members of university faculties throughout the USA. |
BELGRAVE, Bridget |
Bridget Belgrave first came across Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in 1995 while working as an assistant director to Elizabeth Walker at her training course in Oxford. Teaching the AT since 1980, she was originally based in London and also teaching in the USA, South Africa, Italy, Switzerland and Germany. Always an innovator, her way of teaching life drawing in AT training courses has been widely adopted. On first contact with NVC Bridget was deeply impressed by how this way of working generated a tangible shift in people's energy, somewhat akin to an Alexander lesson. Bridget chose to pursue NVC deeply and in 1996 began leading NVC trainings as a certified trainer with the international Center for Nonviolent Communication (www.CNVC.org). She gradually made NVC her full time work and was one of a pioneer group bringing NVC to the UK (and in 2002/3 to India). She has written a children's book 'ZAK' conveying Alexander and NVC values to 8 - 12 year olds in a funny and touching story. For more info visit Bridget's website: www.LifeResources.org.uk. |
BEN-OR, Nelly |
Nelly Ben-Or came to the Technique as a concert pianist and teacher. She trained with Patrick Macdonald, qualifying in 1963. Since then she has been working continuously on applying the Alexander principles to her work as a pianist, sharing her increasing experience in this field with piano students at the Guildhall School of Music where she has been teaching since 1975. She has also been giving masterclasses on this subject at many music institutions worldwide. In London she gives twice yearly courses on piano playing, incorporating the Alexander Technique. |
BLOCH, Michael |
Michael Bloch, born 1953, was educated at St John's College, Cambridge (1971-79: MA, LL.B) and was called to the Bar by Inner Temple in 1978. He worked for Duchess of Windsor and her estate in the 1980s and was literary executor of James Lees-Milne (1997). His books include biographies of the Duke of Windsor and von Ribbentrop. |
BRENNAN, Richard |
Richard Brennan has studied the Alexander Technique since 1983 and has been a fully qualified teacher since 1989; he travels throughout Europe giving talks and courses on the Technique and has taught the Technique at many educational centres including Dartington College of Arts, Galway University, Limerick University and Middlesex University. He has been featured in many newspapers and magazines and has appeared on BBC1 and RTE1 and been featured on BBC Radios 4 & 5 as well as numerous local Radio around Ireland and the UK. He has written four books on the Alexander Technique, which are translated into eight languages and which are on sale worldwide, and has also written many articles on the technique for a variety of newspapers and magazines. Richard runs a private practice in Galway, Ireland, where he is also the director of the first Alexander teacher training college in Ireland. |
Tim comes from a family of health practitioners and is a highly qualified engineer and product designer. Born in Somerset in 1977, his two main interests from an early age were design technology and tennis. He also regularly attended the Alexander Technique workshops of his father, Richard Brennan. Between 15 and 25 he repeatedly suffered from twisted ankles whilst in tennis competitions. Coupling his increasing knowledge of the Alexander Technique and engineering design, he developed his idea for the perfect shoe: a barefoot shoe. From 1996 to 2000, Tim did a mechanical engineering masters degree at the University of Bath. He then spent a further two years at the Royal College of Art and Imperial College in London, studying a product design MA. In February 2004, Tim's shoes were launched at 75 shops across the UK, Europe and the USA. They have been well received by health-oriented people, especially Alexander Teachers. |
BRITTON, Robert |
Bob Britton started studying the Alexander Technique with Frank Ottiwell in 1974 as a result of a knee injury while sitting in meditation. He received his degree as an Alexander Teacher in 1978 from Frank Ottiwell and Giora Pinkas. In addition to his private Alexander teaching practice in San Francisco and Marin County, California, he trains Alexander teachers at the Alexander Training Institute in San Francisco. He has taught musicians the Alexander Technique at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music since 1984. He has an extensive background in Buddhist meditation, including ten years of intensive Zen practice. He has also studied widely in the Asian martial arts, and holds a degree in Japanese fencing. He has served as Chairman of the American Society for the Alexander Technique from 1997 to 1999. These days he secretly enjoys listening to all the wonderful musicians he meets teaching the Alexander Technique. |
BROWN John |
Trained mostly with Chris Stevens in Denmark before finally graduating from the Constructive Teaching Centre in 1991. Since qualifying John has worked full time, both on the teacher training course at the Centre and in his private teaching practice. |
BROWN, Lucy |
Lucy Brown obtained her Ph.D. from New York University in 1973 in the field of Physiological Psychology. Then, she took a postdoctoral fellowship at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York, to study neurotransmitter systems, particularly dopaminergic cells. She stayed at Albert Einstein College of Medicine where she is now Professor in Neurology and Neuroscience, teaches medical and graduate students, and heads the Laboratory of Functional Neuroanatomy and Movement Disorders. Her research interests are how the brain controls movement and what special role the basal ganglia nuclei, dopamine, and opioid receptors play in movement, touch, cognition, emotion, reward and learning. One of the methods that she uses to look at the human brain is functional MRI. She has been a student of the Alexander Technique for several years and says, "I like to integrate my knowledge about neuroscience with my own proprioceptive re-education about delicate movement." |
BRUCE, Lawrence |
Lawrence studied at National Theatre Drama School in Melbourne, and with voice coach Lee Murray. He began a career in radio in 1965, working principally with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. He has narrated over fifty Talking Books. He completed his Alexander training at MATTS in 1996 and was Chairman of AUSTAT 1999-2001. Since 2002 he has been teaching in Shanghai. |
BURGE Paul |
Many thanks in many directions, Tasmania and beyond. |
Tim Cacciatore is a post-doctoral fellow at the Neurological Sciences Institute of the Oregon Health & Sciences University, researching muscle tone, postural coordination and the Alexander Technique. He received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of California, San Diego in 1999 for studying the neural circuits that underlie coordination in leeches. He became involved with the Alexander Technique because of his own back pain and is currently in the midst of training to be a teacher. |
CAVADIAS, Brigitte |
Brigitte Cavadias qualified as a Bates Teacher in January 1992 and as an Alexander Teacher in April the same year. Ever since she has been teaching in France, first in Paris and then in Provence where she now lives. In the last 12 years her work has developed towards including the use of the eyes in the use of the self and towards devoting a special attention to the means of improving consciously and naturally eyesight and vision. She is running workshops linking vision and the Alexander Technique in France, Italy, UK, Switzerland, Sweden and Finland as well as teaching from home, part time in Provence and part time in London. Since January she is teaching in the Alexander Technique School Queens Park in London. |
CHANCE, Jeremy |
Jeremy trained twice, first with teachers in London and then 10 years later, with Marjorie Barstow. This has given him an insight into the question of different teaching methodologies which now, as a trainer of teachers, has become a key area of research. He has been involved with the Alexander Technique since 1972. He was Editor and Publisher of Direction for 17 years and is the author of "Principles of the Alexander Technique", now translated into Japanese. Jeremy moved permanently to Kyoto in 1999 where he now lives with his wife Jaldhara Koyama, also an Alexander teacher, and their two children, Angelica and Grace. |
CLARK, Jean |
Jean Clark trained with Walter Carrington in London in 1966-69, having left work as an entomologist. Her colleagues at the museum said she was swapping working with creatures with 6 legs for those with 2! She taught on the Carrington training course in the early 1970's, after the sudden death of her husband, and again in the 1980's, when she joined the initial team at the start of the early morning class. She then co-directed a training course in North London for 9 years and later ran her own little school. Throughout her 35 years of private teaching she has also been a visiting teacher in schools throughout the world, and has since its inception been a STAT moderator. She has had a particular interest in the work of Prof. Raymond Dart on developmental movement and how it correlates with F.M.'s discoveries. |
Born in New-Zealand, Vicki was educated in Sydney and graduated from the Forest High School, completing Higher School Certificate in 1981. Vicki enjoyed a successful career as an international photographic and catwalk model for over a decade. She also taught Grooming, Deportment and Modelling to young women between the ages of 5 and 20 for fifteen years. Vicki was crowned Miss Western Australia in 1986, spending her year representing the Cerebral Palsy Association of WA, fundraising and speaking in public engagements. Soon after she became a member of Rostrum Australia and won two speaking awards - South-West Speaker of the Year 1995, and Gill Lee Archer Speaker of the Year 1998. Vicki qualified as a teacher of the Alexander Technique in 2001 from the School of FM Alexander Studies in Melbourne, where she now teaches AT from her private practice. |
COHEN, Jano Lynn |
Jano Cohen teaches the Alexander Technique and T'ai Chi Ch'uan in Wynnewood, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia. She was certified by The Alexander Foundation (now "The Alexander Alliance") in 1990. Her teaching is informed by her experience of 22 years as a professional dancer and choreographer, 25 years as a therapeutic masseuse, and 10 years playing the violin and the piano. She can now share her knowledge about recovering from pain and loss of balance after rehabilitating from multiple injuries and two ankle surgeries. |
COHEN, Rivka |
Rivka studied with Moshe Feldenkrais for two years before coming to London in 1957 to study the AT with Charles Neill until his death. She then studied with Patrick Macdonald, in Ashley Place, qualifying in 1961. She continued to study with Peter. Scott, Walter Carrington, the Barlows, Bill Williams, Margaret Goldie, Eric De-Peyer and Irene Tasker and became a member of STAT. At the same time she completed a three-year training with Sigurd Leader at his School for Modern Dance in London, qualifying in 1960. From 1962 she taught the AT in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. From 1965 to 1968 she taught in Canada and the US and studied with Frank Pierce-Jones in Boston. Since 1969 she has continued to teach in Israel. In 1980 she opened the Haifa School for the AT, certifying dozens of students. Rivka gives seminars to certified teachers in Israel, Germany, the USA and Canada. |
COHEN-Nehemia, M. |
M. Cohen-Nehemia started his teacher training in the Alexander Technique under Patrick MacDonald and Peter Scott in London in 1962 at Ashley Place, London, where F.M. Alexander taught. He also benefited from his interactions with Walter Carrington. In 1970 Nehemia, as he is widely known, moved to Toronto, Canada, to open the Canadian Centre for the Alexander Technique. During the past 50 years he has done extensive and highly successful research seeking a natural method to counter interference with body performance, fundamental to the Alexander Technique. |
COLE, Jonathan |
Jonathan Cole is a consultant in Clinical Neurophysiology at Poole Hospital and a professor at the University of Bournemouth. He qualified from the Universities of Oxford and London and spent some years at Oxford in academic research before moving south to combine clinical work, research and writing. His research interests have focussed on the importance of peripheral sensation in the coordination of movement and his writing on the lived experience of neurological impairment. He is the author or three books, including one on living without proprioception. Some years ago he also went through a beginners' course of AT. |
COOK, Paul |
Paul graduated from the School for FM Alexander Studies in Melbourne Australia in 2001. He has since built a thriving practice in suburban Melbourne. A wide range of teaching styles were invited to attend the training school and from this diverse background Paul is happy to work with small groups, larger lectures and traditional one to one lessons. Paul runs monthly introductory talks and is a guest presenter at Victoria University School of Osteopathic Sciences, Melbourne. He assumed editorial and financial control of Direction in late 2000 and has worked tirelessly to ensure that this important institution becomes an even greater force for unification in the Alexander world. |
COOPER, Anna |
Anna qualified from the Carringtons in 1982. She has almost given up inhibiting end-gaining and thinks it can sometimes be constructive anyway. With two teaching practices in Surrey she observes and learns from occupational misuse. She feels old enough not to care if some teachers find her approach too analytical, but becomes more wedded to the Alexander Technique with each passing year. |
COOPER, Stephen |
I had my first lessons from Joyce Woodman (Joyce Bird) while I was a student at the Royal College of Music. I told her almost at once that I thought I wanted to become a teacher, which caused her no end of amusement. I started training a few years later as a student of Peter Scott. When Mr Scott died, I was one of the shipwrecked crew that were dragged from the sea and carried to dry land by Marjory Barlow. I qualified in 1979 and worked for the Barlows in London. A few years later I moved to Oxford (while still working in London) and in Oxford I worked as an assistant to Dick and Elisabeth Walker. In the early '90s Tessa Cawdron and I started the Bloomsbury Alexander Centre. In 1994 I started a training school here in Oxford. |
DAY, Jeanne |
Jeanne trained with Walter Carrington 1961-4 and from 1964-9 ran a teaching practice in Guildford. She travelled regularly to Paris, continuing Alexander work started by Ursula Benn, and to Copenhagen, taking over Tony Spawforths pupils. In 1968 she married Aksel Haahr, also trained by Walter Carrington. In 1969 they moved to Paris and worked there for two years. From 1971-80 they were employed by the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow, teaching the Technique in both departments. In 1980 they opened a training course sponsored by Dartington College of Arts in Devon. After Aksels death in 1984, Jeanne continued the training course until 1990 when she moved to Scotland. 1990-95: ran a Training Course in St.Andrews where she is a resident teacher. She has ongoing work with children in connection with music at schools in Fife and the Fife Youth Orchestra. She has trained about 100 teachers. |
Michael is the Director of Tonalis. He is a master singing teacher and an inspirational choir trainer who leads a 2 Year Foundation Training in 'Uncovering the Voice' and runs workshop and courses all over the world connected to holistic singing. He has studied singing with great masters like Peter Pears and gained invaluable insights from his extensive research into world vocal techniques and the voice in movement (including extensive work with the Alexander Technique). He has a wide background as a performer: from art song recitals - including contemporary music written for his voice, to singing in early music consorts, folk and free improvisation groups. Increasingly, he is being recognised for being that rare exponent of music, an expert with a universal attitude, a specialist equally at home with professional musicians and non-specialists alike. |
Diana Dewitt-Dawson, MSTAT, M.AUSTAT, MRCN, midwife, is director of the Alexander Technique Institute Teacher Training School, Sydney, Australia. The school opened in July 2002. Diana graduated from Patrick Macdonald's training school in London in 1984. After graduation and until 1986 and again in 1988, Diana taught at the Alexander Institute in central London, under the directorship of Dr Wilfred Barlow and Marjory Barlow. In 1990 Diana spent three months in residence with Patrick Macdonald in Lewes, Surrey, where she taught on his last training school. Diana returned to Australia in 1991 and now lives in Sydney. Diana's teaching has been very much influenced by the first-generation teachers, including Margaret Goldie and Erika Whittaker - to whom she remains indebted. |
DIMON, Ted |
Ted Dimon, Ed.D., is Director of the Dimon Institute in New York City. He completed his training with Walter Carrington in 1983, and received both his master's and doctorate degrees in Education from Harvard University. He is a founding director of the American Society for the Alexander Technique and has served for the past fourteen years as president of the Alexander Technique Archives, a non-profit organization that promotes research and scholarship on the Technique. After running a teacher-training program in Massachusetts for five years, Ted has recently moved to New York City in order to form an educational institute devoted to teaching the full range of Alexander's ideas as a new field, training teachers, and creating pilot program for children. Ted is the author of The Undivided Self, Anatomy of the Moving Body, and The Elements of Skill. |
DRUKS-KOK, Gerda |
With over 20 years of extensive teaching, Gerda currently runs her private practice at Pilates off the Square in London and is senior Alexander teacher at the Mary Mount-Fordham London Dramatic Academy. |
EASTEN, Penelope |
I came to the Technique in 1983 after severe depression and backache from doing a PhD in Science, which I then left. I felt my real life started at that first lesson. I trained at the North London School between 1986 and 1989. There was a teacher there whose work seemed powerfully different from others', and I discovered that he had worked with Miss Goldie. So after graduating I worked with her for four years. I felt that she stripped away everything I had learnt, and rebuilt it as she saw the Technique should be - a scary process! I spent the next four years working with other teachers who had known her and also Erica Whittaker, to understand the essence of the difference of her understanding. Throughout I have maintained a busy practice, now in Sheffield, where I have developed games and procedures to get these subtle points across. |
EIN-SHAY, Yehezkel |
Yehezkel (Hezzi) Ein-Shay studied with Shmuel Nelken in Jerusalem and subsequently with Patrick Macdonald and Bill Williams. He has been actively teaching since 1984. |
ELEMENT, Chris see SANDERSON, Suzie |
FARKAS, Alexander |
Alexander Farkas received his AT training at the Victoria Course in London with Shoshana Kaminitz graduating in 1988. He is a pianist with extensive experience in chamber music, accompanying, and voice teaching. After a long tenure at the Hartt School, University of Hartford (US), Alex Farkas is now devoting himself entirely to independent work in the AT, particularly with students and professionals working in the performing arts. |
FEINDEL Janet Madelle |
An actress, director, and writer, Janet has taught speaking voice for actors for many years and is Associate Professor in voice and the Alexander Technique at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Drama. She served as a dialect coach for the US version of Queer as Folk and has coached at the Stratford Festival, Shaw Festival (where she was also Principle of the Academy), Soulpepper Theatre Company, Canadian Stage Company, Ark Theater New Jersey Shakespeare Festival and Pittsburgh Public Theatre. She gave a master class at the Canadian Voice Care Symposium in Philadelphia for ten years. She graduated from the Alexander Alliance under the direction of Bruce and Martha Fertman and has also studied with Michael Frederick, Elisabeth and Lucia Walker, Lyn Charlsen, Glenna Batson, Anne Waxman, Judy Stern, Pamela Lewis, Troup Matthews and Carolyn Johnston, among many others. She is assisting at the Toronto Alexander Alliance School, with Susan Sinclair, Director of Education. |
Terry Fitzgerald is the Director of the Sydney Alexander School teacher training program, an AUSTAT-accredited course he began in 1996. He graduated from Patrick Macdonald's London training program in 1978 and was AUSTAT Chair for three terms in the mid-1980s. He is also a highly qualified teacher and adjudicator of Dance Sport. Terry and is nearing the completion of a doctorate in education at the University of Technology, Sydney, where his research interest is the future of Alexander Technique teacher education. |
FREDERICK, Michael D. |
Michael is an internationally recognised teacher in the field of Psycho-physical Re-education. He first trained in England as an Alexander Teacher with Walter Carrington and in America with Marjorie Barstow. Michael studied in the USA and Israel as a Feldenkrais Practitioner and has extensive training in Yoga. Michael also trained as an actor at The Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, Bristol, England. He is the founding director of the first three International Congresses on the Alexander Technique and has organised and taught over 100 workshops in the USA and Europe since 1978. Michael worked for two years at the Los Angeles Philharmonic Institute, and taught for over a decade at The Old Globe Theatre in San Diego. He is past Chairman of the American Society for the Alexander Technique and is now on the Board of Directors of the Alexander Training Institute, LA. Currently Michael teaches privately in Los Angeles. |
FROST, Joan |
Joan Frost has been teaching the Alexander Technique for more than 20 years. She is director of the 3-year teacher certification program at the American Center for the Alexander Technique in NYC, and was a founding member of the American Society for the Alexander Technique. Joan earned her degree in dance from the University of California, Santa Cruz, in 1975, and received her teaching certificate from ACAT in 1983. She has been on the faculties of the Juilliard School Dance and Drama Divisions, and of the Diller Quaille School of Music. In addition to training teachers, she maintains a private practice in Manhattan and in Rockland County. |
Joan Gavaler is an Associate Professor/Head of Dance at the College of William and Mary. She has had an extensive career as a choreographer, performer and teacher, creating over 25 dance works including choreography for The Moving Arts Company, Gavaler Danceworks, Steve_s House Dance Collective and Gravity Optional Dance Company. Her work has been presented by other organizations including American College Dance Festival, Alliance for Dance and Movement Arts, Artspace Gallery, Canton Ballet, Dance Place, Davis Discovery Center, First Night of Williamsburg, Kilmarnock Center for the Arts, OhioDance and Ohio State University. She has received 15 grants to support her work from Greater Columbus Arts Council, Ohio Joint Program in the Arts and Humanities, Community Arts Fund, Westinghouse Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities and the College of William and Mary. She earned her M.A. in Dance from the Ohio State University and is an ATI-certified Alexander Technique teacher. |
GILMORE, Robin |
Robin Gilmore began her Alexander studies in 1981 and qualified as a teacher in 1986. She has been active as a professional dancer and somatic movement educator for more than twenty years. In 1993 she founded the Kyoto Alexander Program, the first Alexander Technique teacher training program in Japan; she directed and taught in the program until 1999. Currently, she trains teachers in Annapolis, Maryland. Robin is a teaching member and sponsoring member of ATI. As a dancer and choreographer, Robin's work has been presented internationally. She earned a Master of Fine Arts Degree in Dance from Temple University and has guest- lectured in numerous universities. Her understanding of body mapping in relation to dance training led to the invitation to write "What Every Dancer Needs to Know About the Body," to be published by Andover Press in 2004. |
GOKCEN, Selma |
A member of the Alexander Technique Faculty of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, Selma Gokcen is also professor of violoncello. She is an accomplished performer who has travelled to the Far East, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and the European Continent, presenting workshops in the Alexander Technique, cello master classes and concerts. Her CD recording, Songs and Dances, appears on the Swiss label, Gallo Records. Selma Gokcen holds three degrees, including Doctor of Musical Arts from the Juilliard School and a First Prize from the Geneva Conservatoire of Music. She is co-founder of the Violoncello Society of London. |
Avi Granit has been a full-time teacher of the Alexander Technique for 21 years. He studied with Patrick MacDonald 1980-1984 in London, remaining for a fourth year after qualifying in order to enrich his learning. In addition to his private teaching in Israel, he taught within the Israeli Air Force as part of his military service. He worked as a teacher at Rika Cohen's training course in Haifa, Israel from 1984 until its closure in 1999. Avi currently has a flourishing private practice in both Haifa and Tel Aviv. |
Peter wore glasses for myopia and astigmatism from age three. His overall use and eyesight deteriorated and his glasses became stronger year by year. He studied from 1984-1987 at the Sydney Alexander Teachers Training School. From 1985-1990 he studied yearly with Marjorie Barstow. At that time he came across the Bates Method of improving vision naturally. Subsequently he trained in Germany with the late world-renowned vision instructor, Dr Janet Goodrich. After wearing glasses for 27 years, after only eighteen months he was absolutely free of his 10.5 dioptre strong lenses! He began to discover the principle of the unique EyeBody Pattern in 1992, leading him to apply FMs principle to the use of eyes and vision. Investigations continue. His book 'The Eyebody Method - The Art of Integrating Eyes, Brain and Body' is available this summer. He brings compassion and a deep understanding to his work. He lives with his wife and two children in Auckland, New Zealand. Website: www.eyebody.com. |
Patrick studied French horn, composition and conducting at the Royal Academy of Music, leaving in 1980 to work as a horn player and teacher in London. Through an interest in performance issues he trained as an Alexander teacher with Don Burton in Kendal. There he rekindled his boyhood love of singing and on graduating was invited to become a member of staff specializing in performance and ran the Fellside Choir for a number of years. He continues to teach there, gives workshops all over the North. Patrick works with members of the Halle Orchestra, Halle Choir and the BBC Philharmonic in Manchester. In 2001 he gave a presentation: "Brass Tax" on working with brass players at the 7th International Conference of Alexander Teachers Working with Musicians. Patrick still performs, composes and conducts, has a private practice in Manchester, works at a GP surgery in Derbyshire and in Whaley Bridge. |
HALLMARK, Steven |
Steven trained at The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (1971-73) as a professional actor. He has done mask work with Jane Gibson and Christophe Reimer and has studied Keith Johnston's techniques. He has taught mask work in Norway, Denmark, Australia, Sweden, England. He trained with Walter Carrington 1980-1983. He is now head of training at the Stockholm Alexander Teacher Training School. |
Jane R. Heirich, recently retired from the Residential College of the University of Michigan, has a Masters degree from Harvard, and STAT and AmSAT (USA) Alexander certification. A lifelong musician, it was work in the choral conducting field that led to her intensive study of vocal anatomy, physiology, acoustics, and pedagogy. She later studied with and was certified (1987) as an Alexander teacher by Joan and Alex Murray of Urbana, Illinois. She continues a private teaching studio for voice as well as Alexander work. Since 1975, the focus of her professional activity has been to explore the intersection between the centuries-old Italian bel canto vocal tradition and the more than 100 years of Alexanders work. |
MaryBeth graduated from ACATNY in 1993. She has maintained a private practice since graduation in Montgomery, NY. She primarily works with students who are recovering from trauma, chronic pain, teachers from local schools and performing artists. She is affiliated to the Isadora Duncan International Institute, a non-profit organization that furthers the education of children through the performing arts. |
HYLAND, Michael |
Michael Hyland is Professor of Health Psychology at the University of Plymouth. He obtained his PhD in theoretical psychology from the University of Wales in 1976, and subsequently worked on mind-body theory. From the late 1980s he developed a number of quality of life scales for people with respiratory and other chronic diseases. Since 1998 he has combined complexity theory with health psychology in developing a new theoretical perspective for understanding the 'intelligent body', and has more recently expanded this into the possibility of 'entanglement' between people. |
JONES, Martyn |
I trained with Bruce and Sherry Oliver at the Pacific Institute for the Alexander Technique in Sacramento California, USA. qualifying in 1999. After graduating I worked with a number of sportsmen and women, including professional golfers. Working with the golfers convinced me they would be good students of the Alexander Technique, since they work on kinesthetic sense and body awareness. I have been playing golf for over 30 years and played to a handicap of 8. and have given a number of golfing with Alexander Technique workshops at golf clubs and driving ranges. Last year I gave a workshop at Steven Cooper's training school in Oxford taking 12 students and teachers to the local golf club. I am looking forward to the next one. |
KELLY, Kate |
Born and educated in Northern Ireland, Kate worked as an actress in the UK, Ireland, and the Netherlands for 8 years before training at the Constructive Teaching Centre. Since graduating in 1988 she has assisted in the training of students at the Centre. She studied the Tomatis listening method with Patrick de la Roque, obtaining her practice certificate from the London Centre in 1999. Working with voice, AT, and theatre, she has taught at the Aalborg and Amsterdam training schools. She continues to be a regular visitor at l'Estudi training school in Barcelona where she has been developing her work on the "generous voice". In conjunction with two colleagues from the Roy Hart Theatre, Malérargues, France, Kate gives theatre-based training to major corporations through her company Hart Training. |
KENNEDY, Frank |
Frank Kennedy trained with Walter Carrington. He has thirty years' teaching experience. He conducts a full-time private practice. He has featured on radio and television, lectures widely and conducts workshops. |
KENT Barbara |
Barbara Kent earned her BA in music at the California State University in 1959, studied voice at the Juilliard School, and received her MA in music from Brooklyn College in 1971. Her singing led her to the Alexander Technique in the early '60s, and she was certified by ACAT in 1971. Barbara has been a faculty member of ACAT since 1972, and served as ACAT's training certification program director from 1982-87, and 1996-2001. Barbara studied in Carl Stough and integrates the principles of Breathing Coordination into her work. She is also certified in the Rubenfeld Synergy Method, and maintains a private practice in NYC. |
KETTRICK, Catherine |
Catherine Kettrick has a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Washington. She is an American Sign Language/English interpreter, and most recently the Executive Director of Seattle Public Theater. She trained with Marjorie Barstow, and has been teaching the Technique since 1976 privately, in community classes and at the university level, in the United States and Europe. In 1986 she co-founded The Performance School, a Center for the Study of the Alexander Technique. In 1994 she was invited to teach at the 4th International Congress of Teachers of the Alexander Technique in Sydney, Australia. She edited the "The Future" issue of Direction. She is currently studying conflict resolution and decision making, and how the principles of the Technique can inform both those fields. |
KEVAN, Nadia |
Nadia received her training as an Alexander Teacher with Karen Wentworth and Chris Stevens in Denmark and qualified in 1987. Chris was Nadia's husband for 9 years and they worked closely together for 17 years. She is a dancer and professor of movement studies at the Folkwang Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Essen, Germany. She is director of an international Alexander training course and of the Open Space Theater, Centre for Integrated Arts and FM Alexander Studies in Cologne, Germany. |
KLEINMAN, Judith |
Judith teaches Alexander Technique to the senior students at the Royal College of Music and the junior students at the Royal Academy of Music. She has collaborated with psychotherapists and scientists on research projects looking at the effects of the Technique. She coordinates the Arts and Education group for STAT. |
KOMO, Sumi |
Sumi Komo, originally trained as a dancer, became deeply involved with Alexander work after sustaining a traumatic injury to her foot. The work was instrumental in enabling her to continue dancing, performing, and teaching. She began studying in 1972; completed Alexander Teacher Training in London in 1981 with Patrick Macdonald, and has been training teachers of the technique since 1990. Ms Komo has a BA in Dance and Philosophy from Sarah Lawrence College; an MA in Dance, Psychology and Sports Medicine from the University of Oregon; and is certified as an Advanced Integral Yoga (r) teacher with years of experience in the Iyengar style. She is also certified through the Upledger Institute in CranioSacral I and II; Visceral Manipulation I, II, and III; and was recently certified in Jin Shin Jyutsu (r). Sumi is Director of the internationally recognized Teacher-Training Program at the Alexander Technique Moving Arts Centre (ATMA) in Austin, Texas. |
KUPERMAN, Yehuda |
Yehuda qualified with Patrick MacDonald in 1967. He established the first AT training school in Israel together with Shmuel Nelken. In 1979 he opened the first two teachers training courses in continental Europe in Basel, Swizerland, and Freiburg, Germany. He has qualified some 300 teachers there. After all this, he sees how the Alexander technique is covered in many places by the fog of alternative medicine, endangering its identity. He believes today, through his work, that the Alexander Technique is the art of togetherness, which is expressed by not trying to open the pupil, but to open from and for him, making the receiving pupil a giving partner. |
LANGFORD, Elizabeth |
Elizabeth Langford was born in London and educated at Bruton School for Girls, the Royal College of Music, and The Constructive Teaching Centre, London. A professional violinist and one of the pioneers of the use of the Alexander Technique in music education, she was the first of her generation to run a STAT approved training course. She is a former chairman of STAT and now trains teachers in Belgium. She is the author of Mind and Muscle: An Owner's Handbook, published in 1999 and subsequently translated into Dutch (2001) and French (2002) and of Only Connect (2004) |
Ilana trained with Misha Magidov, qualifying as an AT teacher in 1984. She taught in his school 1986-2003. In 2004 she opened her AT School, Queen's Park. She is a qualified teacher of Medau Rhythmic Movement and a childbirth educator. From 1980 to 1996 she conducted antenatal classes and was an Advanced Teacher/Assessor for the National Childbirth Trust. Since 1985 she has been running her Eutokia classes for pregnant women. She has conducted many workshops for AT teachers, childbirth educators, midwives and obstetricians. She runs intensive courses - recognized by the Doula Association, UK - for AT teachers who wish to work with pregnant women, prepare them for birth and accompany them during labour. In addition to many articles, she co-authored with Angela and Jonathan Drake The Alexander Technique Birth Book (Robinson, 1993). Her book The Alexander Technique Birth Stories is published on the Internet at http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ilana.m |
MACKIE, Vivien |
Vivien Mackie is a cellist who had the rare good fortune to enjoy three years post-graduate study with Pablo Casals, a non-endgainer par excellence. She also has a good background in piano and singing. Vivien began training as an Alexander teacher in 1970 and has worked in training courses for many years. Meanwhile her work with musicians was gathering momentum and she has worked with the Stockholm Opera school, Australian and the Victoria State Opera; she has worked privately and in music colleges around the world. From 1990-93 she ran a teacher training course exclusively for musicians in Melbourne Australia. Her book Just Play Naturally with Joe Armstrong was published in 2002. |
MacLELLAN, Diana |
Trained with Peter and Ellie Ribeaux, qualifying in 1987. She worked for many years with Dr Wilfred and Marjory Barlow, teaching at The Alexander Institute. She now runs a private practice in central London and also teaches on NLP training courses. She is a master practitioner and certified trainer of NLP. |
MADDEN, Cathy |
Cathy Madden is an Assistant Professor for the University of Washington School of Drama, Director of the Alexander Technique Training and Performance Studio in Seattle, Associate Director of Alexander Technique Associates (Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kyoto), and is actively involved in the training and continuing education of teachers in Germany and Switzerland. She is currently Chair of Alexander Technique International. She began her studies in the Alexander Technique in 1975 with Marjorie Barstow and has been teaching the work since 1980. Her particular specialty is the application of the Alexander Technique to the performing arts, particularly theatre. She continues to be active as a theatre artist, applying the Alexander Technique to the production of plays. |
Alex Maunder, BSc, MSTAT, has spent many years researching the principles of how to maintain balance and harmony in the psycho-physical whole. He qualified as an Alexander Technique teacher with Yehuda Kuperman in Basel, Switzerland (1988). He has trained in Gestalt Psychotherapy at the Metanoia Institute (1995-1997), and has lectured on the Alexander Technique at the Dance and Drama Department of Middlesex University. He is the author of the book "Let Your Life Flow - The Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Benefits of the Alexander Technique" (C.W. Daniel, 2002). Alex is married with 5 children and lives in London. |
McCALLION, Michael - cancelled |
McDOWELL, Jamie |
After a childhood in Northern Ireland, a physics degree and short career as a science teacher, Jamie McDowell had lessons initially with Sue Thame and went on to train with Don Burton, ATA, London, 1980. Since then he has worked as an Alexander Teacher. He was on the staff of the Amsterdam AT training and subsequently moved to Kendal, Cumbria where he was on the staff of the Fellside Training. He is currently Head of Training at Fellside and as a past Chair of STAT is active in the areas of Voluntary Self Regulation and International Liaison. |
MERRY, Sue |
Started working with children in education at Latchmere Infant School in 1994. She now works at Educare Small School in Surrey, UK She has developed a method (constantly evolving of course!) of integrating the Technique into all aspects of the school day. See www.ed2k.org.uk for further information. |
MILLS, David M |
David's PhD dissertation from Brunel University, UK. linked the psychology of personal constructs with F.M. Alexander's work to illuminate how we construct and embody meaning. He has presented papers and workshops at several international conferences on personal construct psychology. His paper, "Mind, Body and Society" was recently published in Psychological Constructivism And The Social World. David trained with Marjorie Barstow and has been teaching the Technique since 1980. He is a co-founder of The Performance School, a Center for the Study of the Alexander Technique, and in 1994 he taught at the 4th International Congress of Teachers of the Alexander Technique in Sydney, Australia. His teaching centres on the continuity of mind and body in personal action and his favourite art form is crafting those moments when a student comes into conscious possession of that unity of thought and action that is the source of understanding, creativity and full self-expression. |
MIZENKO, Jennifer |
Jennifer Mizenko is an Associate Professor of Dance and Movement at the University of Mississippi. Her duties include teaching jazz and modern technique Classes, dance composition, dance appreciation, Alexander Technique, movement for the actor, and directing the University dance company, Mississippi: The Dance Company. Jennifer graduated with a BA in psychology from Kenyon College, and an MA in dance from The Ohio State University. Her expanded studies have included period and contemporary social dance with Wendy Hilton and Richard Powers. In 2001 Jennifer graduated as a teacher in the Alexander Technique at the Alexander Alliance in Philadelphia, PA, and as a Laban Movement Analyst at The Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies in New York City. Ms Mizenko is currently combining her knowledge movement and psychology, along with the Alexander Technique and Laban Movement Analysis, to develop an exciting new approach for the training of dancers and actors. |
MOORE, David |
David has been director of the School for F.M. Alexander Studies, an AUSTAT accredited training course in Melbourne since 1999. In 2002 he and Kate Morris with input from many other teachers translated the training course into competency-based language and gained government accreditation for the school, primarily in order to allow overseas students to gain student visas to study at the school. He trained on the first Australian Training Course, graduating in 1985 and undertook further training with Marjorie Barstow in Australia and Nebraska over a number of years. David presented a workshop on the application of the Alexander Technique to yoga at the Freiburg conference. |
MOWAT, Brigitta |
Brigitta qualified as an AT teacher in 1988 with Walter Carrington. She is also a qualified psychological counsellor and maintains a private practice in the AT and psychotherapy. She recently completed an MSc in counselling and psychotherapy in health and social care at Surrey University, Rohampton. Currently she is working towards full UKCP accreditation as an integrative psychotherapist. |
MURRAY, Ruth |
Ruth is a director of the teacher training course at the Constructive Teaching Centre where she trained with Walter and Dilys Carrington 24 years ago. She has been invited as a guest teacher to New York and Amsterdam. |
MÖCKLI, Robin |
Robin Möckli trained with the Carringtons, qualifying in 1976 and has taught continuously since then, being one of the first to give intensive group courses (with Erwin Möckli) and training teachers since 1987. She has taught in Scotland, France, Germany and Switzerland and studied singing, violin, bioenergetics and dance. She has 2 children and lives in Zürich. |
NELKEN, Shmuel |
Shmuel was qualified by Patrick Macdonald in 1959. In 1960 he started the first AT practice in Israel and in 1974 opened the Jerusalem Training Course, one of the first training courses outside London which he continues to direct to the present time. He teaches regularly in Europe and the US, giving master classes and has participated actively in all International Congresses. In 1996 he directed jointly with his wife Ora and with Rika Cohen the 5th International Congress in Jerusalem. |
NICHOLLS, Carolyn |
Carolyn Nicholls studied art at Chelsea School of Art and Goldsmiths College. She trained with the Carringtons, graduating in 1982 and spent a year as Dilys's apprentice, learning the systematic approach to training students to use their hands. She helped train teachers in Melbourne, and was Co-Head of Training in Brighton. She now runs The Alexander Technique College of Sussex. She gives postgraduate courses in England and overseas in addition to her private practice. A member of STAT's Training Course Committee, she has just obtained an MA with distinction in Alexander Teacher Training. She gave the 2003 FM Alexander Annual Memorial Lecture, 'Candles and Onions', outlining her master's research including an opera 'Gravity and Light' to be performed on the last night of the Congress. Publications: Notes Towards a Method for Training Alexander Teachers: An Observation of Dilys Carrington1986/2002, 'Helena's First Lessons', The Alexander Journal, Spring 2003. |
John Nicholls trained as an Alexander teacher in London from 1973 to 1976, with Walter and Dilys Carrington, and at their invitation stayed for a further eleven years, assisting the Carringtons daily on their teacher training course and building up a large private practice. He has subsequently directed Alexander teacher training programmes for fifteen years, first in Melbourne, Australia, and then in Brighton, England. His book, The Alexander Technique: In Conversation With John Nicholls and Sean Carey, was published in 1991. During the last twelve years John has also run postgraduate classes for teachers and seminars for the public in many different countries, as well as continuing to give private lessons. In 2003 John moved to the USA and is currently teaching in New York and directing a postgraduate programme for the American Center for the Alexander Technique (ACAT). |
O'CONNOR, Penny |
Penny O'Connor worked in theatre for 10 years before training with David Gorman and Margaret Edis, 1989-92. She brought Alexander into the workplace, organizing conferences for occupational health officers, and teaching with companies such as Reuters and BACS. For the last five years she has been teaching AT to the theatre students at the Arts Educational Schools London, and runs a mentoring scheme for newly qualified teachers. She teaches privately at her home in the City and on the Greek Island of Alonnisos. |
O'NEILL, Patricia |
A soprano, Patt has appeared nationally and internationally in leading operatic and oratorio roles. Among others, she has performed with the Frankfurt Opera, Stuttgart Opera, Utah Opera, Opera Midwest, Baton Rouge Opera, Chicago Symphony, Louisiana Philharmonic, Birmingham Opera, Utah Symphony, Santa Fe Opera, and Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Operatic roles have included Pamina in The Magic Flute, Violetta in La Traviata, Gilda in Rigoletto, Marguerite in Faust, Mimi in La Boheme, Michaela in Carmen and Susanna in La Nozze di Figaro. She is also in demand as a recitalist and clinician for vocal master classes and Alexander Technique workshops throughout the United States, in Europe and the far East, most recently visiting Dankook University in Seoul, Korea. She is presently in the voice faculty at Louisiana State University where she also teaches a course in the Alexander Technique. She has been a Teaching Member of ATI since 2002. |
PARK, Glen |
Glen Park has been teaching the Alexander Technique for over twenty years. In her book The Art of Changing she explores the Alexander Technique and its relationship to the aura and chakras. She was one of the first people to write about how the Alexander principles can relate to our emotional and spiritual world, and how we can include emotions in our Alexander practice. |
PEARSON, Patrick |
Patrick Pearson trained with Elizabeth Walker and then Ron Colyer and Ray Evans. He has successfully applied the AT in his own competitive rowing and has used it as an aid to teaching/coaching others. He is a qualified coach from the Amateur Rowing Association and has been involved in rowing since 1967. He has worked with all ages and levels of athletes from novice to Olympian. As a professional member of Backcare, Patrick has long been concerned with the "strain" rowers inflict on themselves unnecessarily in the pursuit of sport. His use of AT in approaching the issues of rowing training offers new hope for high performance without the commonly accepted damage and pain. His work with the Great Britain Olympic Rowing Team has led the Amateur Rowing Association to consider the Alexander Technique for inclusion in the national coaching development programme. |
Born in Australia, Alan studied drama at NIDA and singing in London. He graduated from the Constructive Teaching Centre in 1985 and has continued teaching on the training course ever since. |
PINKAS, Giora |
Began AT lessons with Shmuel Nelken in Israel in 1962. Certified at 16 Ashley Place by Patrick Macdonald in 1967. In 1974 co-founded a training course in San Francisco, California. Was invited in the late 80s to establish and direct 2 training courses in Germany: in Freiburg, then Heidelberg. Giora continues to guest-teach in various training courses and offer workshops for teachers throughout the US and Europe. His Alexander Educational Center is located in Berkeley, CA. Its staff offers lessons, consulting and workplace workshops, Teacher-Training and Post-Graduate programs for teachers from diverse AT backgrounds. |
POLATIN, Betsy |
Betsy Polatin has been a student of the Alexander Technique for 26 years, and a teacher for 19 years, with extensive post graduate training. She has a BA in Dance, and her background includes 35 years of movement education and performance. She has taught the Alexander Technique at the Muscular Therapy Institute, New England Conservatory, American College Dance Festival, and Berklee College of Music (since 1988). She is presently full time faculty, as an assistant professor, at Boston University, College of Fine Arts, and part time at the Opera Institute of Boston. She has presented programs to the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, high schools, and Clergy; to physical therapists and nurses; and to yoga and meditation centers in the US and abroad. She has worked with the Boston Ballet through the Dance and Sports Medicine Clinic at Children's Hospital. Her work is greatly influenced by Carl Stough's breathing coordination, and the teachings of spiritual and meditation masters. |
PULLAN, Gloria |
Gloria trained as a teacher of the AT under Walter and Dilys Carrington. Qualifying in 1983, she teaches professionally, has a busy private practice and continues to teach at the Carrington school. She has also been a guest teacher for 5 other training courses in the UK. Gloria specialises in combining the principles of the Alexander Technique with the teaching of horsemanship. She has been involved with horses since childhood, now concentrating on classical dressage, particularly the style of the Spanish Riding School of Vienna, having had extensive tuition from two former pupils of the school and fellows of the British horse Society, Charles Harris and Danny Pevsner (also an Alexander teacher). Gloria teaches horse riding to Alexander Technique students and teachers, and specialises in teaching with the saddle horse. She is in much demand by various training courses across Europe, and also teaches in the USA. |
RIBEAUX, Ellie |
Ellie, formerly a biology teacher, has been an Alexander teacher for over 35 years, having trained with Patrick Macdonald. She has also trained in biodynamic psychology with Gerda Boysen. Since 1984 she has run an AT teacher training course in London. |
RIBEAUX, Peter |
Peter qualified with Patrick Macdonald in 1965. He is co-director with his wife, Ellie, of an AT teacher training course and has taught in the Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Switzerland and the USA. For many years he combined his Alexander work with teaching occupational psychology at Middlesex University in London. He still gives short courses in business schools. These are increasingly slanted towards the AT and its potential in stress management and back pain prevention at work. He is fascinated by all aspects of the Technique, in particular trying to work out what it really was that Alexander discovered. He loves working with others to improve their work (and his own). |
Paul Robertson has for the past thirty years has been leader of the prestigious Medici String Quartet with whom he performs all over the world. Early in his career he studied the Alexander Technique.[one of his principal teachers being Walter Carrington]. Although he now describes himself [particularly in the company of AT teachers] as 'a living illustration of how not to use oneself!' his work in music and the medical sciences has been much informed by the AT. For more than twenty years he has collaborated with leading scientists to explore the neurological and scientific basis of music. This work reached a wide public with his highly acclaimed Channel 4 television series Music and the Mind. In 2001 Paul was awarded a fellowship by the National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts [NESTA] to explore the musical, mathematical and spiritual foundations of Bach's work for unaccompanied violin and has recently returned from a programme of presentations as Singapore's first 'Artist in Residence'. He is a Cultural Leader in the World Economic Forum, and is in regular conversation with business, media and political leaders. Current projects include a research collaboration with Dr John Zeisel on the relationship between musical structure and the neurophysiology of Alzheimer's syndrome and the development of The Young Musician's World Peace Orchestra made up of young musicians from conflict-torn zones. The orchestra performed to great acclaim at the World Economic Forum's summit in Salzburg in September 2002. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, visiting Professor to the Universities of Kingston and Bournemouth, advisor to a number of university research groups worldwide and to the Music and Health section of the Masters in Design for Health at the University of Florence. |
ROHR, Olivia |
I was born in 1959 and grew up in Stockholm, Sweden. Since 1979. I have been living in Germany and have become a qualified biologist. But my curiosity about aliveness was not satisfied, so the studies were followed by a training in the F.M. Alexander Technique and yoga, which I have been teaching since 1989 and 1992 respectively. Since 2002 I have, together with Renate Wehner, been an assistant in our own class in Freiburg where yoga and modern dance are part of the activities for practising the "means-whereby". |
ROSSI, Rosa Luisa |
I have three professions. First I worked for 14 years in a Swiss bank. Then I studied to become a social worker. After those studies I started to train in the Alexander Technique from 1983 - 1986 in Switzerland. My beginning understanding in the Alexander Technique was strongly body and feeling oriented. Marjorie Barstow and her teachers enriched and influenced my understanding of this work enormously. I learned that there was a lot more to be discovered through this teaching. I started to experience how my constructive thinking influences my whole organism, my reactions and my functioning. Today I enjoy enhanced quality in all areas of my life. I teach this work in private sessions, group settings, in educational fields and in business. |
Both trained with Patrick Macdonald and have been teaching in a wide range of settings for 15 years. They have four successful private practices in Sussex and have extensive experience running residential courses in the Technique in the UK and Europe. As keen hill walkers, they have a particular interest in walking with minimal effort and have taught people of all ages and abilities to enjoy walking in a lighter and easier way. Suzie and Chris have applied to STAT to open a teacher training course in Brighton in September 2005. |
SCHMIDT, Konstantin |
Born in 1968 near Freiburg, Germany, he obtained a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering in 1997. He completed his Alexander Technique training in Heidelberg with Alexander Bartmann in 2002. He has given solo performances singing at the piano, especially cabaret songs by various artists (himself included) since 1992. He is currently living in Karlsruhe, South-West Germany. |
SHAW, Steven |
Steven completed his training in the Alexander Technique in Israel in 1990 where he developed a creative way of teaching swimming using the Alexander Technique. He is a former competitive swimmer and a graduate of Manchester University in Philosophy and Politics. He is currently the course director of a Middlesex University accredited diploma in teaching The Shaw Method of Swimming, as well as running a training programme for physiotherapists working with disabled children. Steven has taught the Shaw Method throughout the UK, and in Japan, the US, and Canada. He is currently producing his second book called Learning The Shaw Method - Lessons From The Art Of Swimming. |
SMITH Stephanie |
Stephanie Smith qualified as an Alexander Technique Teacher in 1994. Since qualifying she has undertaken extensive post-graduate study with Chris Stephens. Stephanie Smith runs a successful practice in West Essex and has appeared on television to talk about and demonstrate the Technique. She co-ordinates STAT's Continuing Professional Development Programme and is currently a member of STAT Council and STAT Publicity Committee. |
SOAR, Tim |
Tim Soar began his Aikido training at London University in 1985 and his Alexander Teacher Training in Brighton in 1990. He has studied with many of the leading Western and Japanese Aikido instructors, and has trained at the World Centre for Traditional Aikido in Tokyo. He is assistant instructor at Swansea University Aikido Club, Whales. Tim has a particular interest in the application of the Alexander Technique to the performing, martial and creative arts; in addition to his private practice, he is one of the Alexander teachers at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. |
STAGGS, Jane |
Since qualifying with Paul Collins and Elizabeth Langford in 1979, I have worked full time as an Alexander teacher in private practice and have worked extensively with musicians including the students of one of the colleges of Cambridge University. Increasing interest in the effects of poor use in the development of back problems led me to start the Campaign for Better Seating to draw attention to the effects of poor seat design on the back. This led to my appointment to the Education Committee of BackCare. This committee is responsible for this charity's many publications. Became an Alexander Teacher for Boots' Health and Beauty Services in order to benefit from the involvement with other health professionals. I have a BA in History, a working knowledge of T'ai Chi, Pilates, running, yoga, and horse riding. |
I worked in the public sector as an economist and economic policy adviser for a decade and a half, before switching careers: I qualified as an Alexander Technique teacher from the Constructive Teaching Centre, London, in 1992. I have taught in workplaces, health centres and swimming pools (ASA teacher/coach qualified 1996). In addition to my practice from home I have taught part-time for several years at the Alexander Technique Studio, London, Director Karen Wentworth. I am actively involved in various related activities such as natural vision work and research. Since 1998 I have been an associate senior research fellow in the School of Integrated Health in the University of Westminster, London. |
STERN, Jack |
Jack is a neurosurgeon practicing in New York. His speciality is spinal surgery. He is on the clinical faculty at Yale Medical School. His PhD is in neuroscience and he has published on issues of pain. |
STERN, Judith |
Judith is a physical therapist and AT teacher. She practices in New York and is a faculty member of ACAT in NYC. Her practice is composed of more than 50% of students with back pain. She has been a physical therapist for 36 years and an AT teacher for 17 years. |
STRATTON, Eileen |
I have been teaching the Technique since 1980 and initially sought lessons because of vocal problems. I have sung since the age of three and was a member of the choir of Westminster Cathedral, singing the early masses of Palestrina, Monteverdi, Schutz, etc. Lately I have taken to singing Jazz Standards and have done this on a semi-professional basis at charity concerts, in wine bars, restaurants, smoky dives, etc. I have lived in Latin-America for five years, can sing Spanish and Brazilian songs as well as the folk songs of my Celtic background. |
SWIFT Glenn |
Glenn had his first year of lessons from Brian Warren in 1983, as a core unit at drama school in Western Australia. He qualified to teach the Technique in the Sydney course directed by Christine Ackers, Andrea Beasley and Vivien Mackie (1987). Being both clever and keen, he undertook post-graduate terms at the Constructive Teaching Centre in 1989 and 1991, and in recent years makes annual pilgrimages from the Antipodes. Kind invitations to teach in exotic locations from Irmel Weber (Berlin), Karen Wentworth (London), Arie-Jan Hoorweg (Amsterdam) and Astrid Cox (Paris) means all his holidays are tax deductible! In Western Australia he teaches actors, singers, school teachers, horse riders, public speakers from every profession and serves as the AUSTAT representative to the International Affiliated Societies. He has been a professional storyteller since 1988. His ambition is to really enjoy dancing tango. |
TAM, Yael |
I was trained by Patrick Macdonald, graduating in 1974. During my training and subsequently I took lessons with Bill Williams. Back in Israel, I have been working in Jerusalem and am a senior teacher on the training course directed by Shmuel Nelken. In addition to a private practice I give lessons to teachers and share work with a variety of teachers in Israel and abroad |
THOMAS, Alun R. |
Alun, born in Wales in 1963, attended the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, studying with Yossi Zivoni. There he won the Cowen Prize for Violin and later became the leader of the RNCM Symphony Orchestra. His first professional appointments on leaving college were with the Bournemouth Sinfonietta. He left to pursue a freelance career and to study the AT full time (1992) at the Brighton Alexander Training Centre (director John Nicholls), and later at the Alexander Re-education Centre in Maidenhead (directors Ron Colyer and Ray Evans). He qualified in 2001. Alun has given recitals for BBC Radio 3 and performed throughout the UK as a soloist and chamber musician with many groups including the Triptych Piano Trio and Chamber Spectrum Duo. He has played with nearly all the major chamber and symphony orchestras in the UK and as a leader and "guest principal" player in a number of them. Alun has nearly twenty years' experience teaching and applying the AT to music and to string playing in particular. He has designed an adjustable chinrest for violinists that sold to a number of professional players and is currently writing a short book about violin playing and the Alexander Technique. |
Ken trained with the Carringtons (1976-79) and has worked on a number of training courses, including ATA in London (1981-84) and with Chris Stevens in Denmark (1984-85). He attended a number of Marjory Barstow's workshops, and took part in the '88, '91, '94, '96, '99 Congresses. He opened the Essex Alexander School in 1988, qualifying 42 teachers to date. Ken has written articles for a number of magazines and produced a series of relaxation and hatha yoga practice tapes and CDs. The Movement Book (Bibliotec Books, 1996) offers a new look at improving individual coordination in both sporting and everyday contexts. His second book, Are You a Natural Hatha Yogi (Wide-Eyed Frog, 2002), links body type, anatomical and physiological make-up, and suggests that these are the main factors in determining one's potential to perform yoga postures. Ken has taught in Europe, the USA, Australia, NZ, and around the UK. |
On graduating 18 years ago, Beryl immediately became part of the nucleus of principal teachers at the Constructive Teaching Centre. In parallel, she teaches pupils at Holland Park and also at her home in Hampstead, North London. |
Tom trained at the American Center for the Alexander Technique in New York and is a member of the AMSAT. After certifying at the ACAT-NY he continued his Alexander study with Walter Carrington, Rika Cohen, Barbara Kent, Glynn Macdonald, John Nicholls, Peggy Williams and others. Tom has completed a two-year psychotherapy program at the East Side Institute for Social Therapy. He is currently Chair of the Alexander Technique department at the Actors Studio Drama School at New School University in New York. He is on the faculty at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, the Juilliard School and also maintains a private practice. Tom served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of ACAT. Since the 1970s Tom has acted in theater, film and television. He has also directed and produced plays for the theater. |
After completing her B.A. in modern dance and choreography, Missy Vineyard began her teacher training at the American Center for the Alexander Technique under Judith Leibowitz and received her teacher certification in 1975. Since then she has maintained a busy private practice. In addition, she was a member of the Steering Committee that created AmSAT in 1987, and served two terms as AmSAT's chairman. She also established and chaired AmSAT's Training Approval Committee and Professional Identity Project. She is the founder and director of a teacher training course, the Alexander Technique School of New England in Amherst, Massachusetts, begun in 1987. Missy has written numerous articles on the Technique and is currently at work on a book. She has raised two sons, a classical cellist and a world champion ultimate frisbee player, both of whom attribute their success (in part) to the technique. |
WALKER, Lucia |
Lucia teaches and travels widely, exploring a lifelong delight in movement and communication. Enjoyment of the sense of vitality and curiosity that arose from learning AT, and a desire to support people to express themselves more fully in their chosen life activities stimulated her to train as a teacher. Since qualifying as an Alexander Technique teacher in 1987, Lucia has taught individuals, groups, and on teacher training courses in Europe, America, and Japan. She continues to work as an independent dance teacher and performer specialising in improvisation. |
I began my first AT lessons at a time when I was strongly searching for a spiritual path (1960s). Since then I have lived in Switzerland where I have been able to pursue my original interest in Tibetan Buddhism. However, over many years I have been lucky enough to come into contact with a wide range of spiritual disciplines from Orthodox Christian to Hindu and to benefit from meetings with advanced practitioners of all of these traditions. I work as an AT teacher in the Acting School in Zurich and teach English to teenagers in a school. |
WEED, Don |
Don has undergraduate degrees in Fine Arts and Human Biology and has been studying the Alexander Technique since 1971; teaching professionally since 1975. He studied for more than twenty years with Marjorie Barstow and has worked with many other teachers, most importantly, Frank Pierce Jones and Margeret Goldie. He received his doctorate in Chiropratic in 1982 and was also a founding co-director of The Performance School in Seattle, Wa. He is the creator of the Interactive Teaching Method for the teaching of the F. M. Alexander Technique (ITM) and has been formally training teachers in the ITM since 1993. He is currently running two ITM teacher training courses in Germany and the UK. He is also an active participant in the UK voluntary self-regulation process. |
WEISER, Wolfgang |
Wolfgang trained as an AT teacher in England and Germany between 1993-97 and has subsequently been working in Sweden in schools as an Alexander teacher. He has been teaching the AT in the Theatre High School in Stockholm.and with dancers and musicians all over Sweden including at the Dance and Theatre Festival in Gothenborg, Sweden. Prior experience has included work as a performer, actor, dancer, juggler, since 1984. He ran his own company for 10 years in Gothenborg, Sweden |
Karen trained 1973-77 with Walter and Dilys Carrington. After the Julliard School of Music-Dance Department (1956-59), she studied dance with Martha Graham, José Limon and Anthony Tudor, acting with Tamara Daykarhanova (Moscow Arts Theatre), Sandford Meisner and Stella Adler and voice with Kristin Linlater. She has been a member of numerous dance and theatre companies. Since 1977 she has taught the AT full-time. She ran short courses in the Technique at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1977-80, was Director of the Aalborg Teacher Training Course, Denmark, 1984-87. and has taught the Technique at the Drama Studio, ALRA, Guildhall School of Music and the London Theatre School. Since 1983 she has taught one day a week at the Constructive Teaching Centre and now runs the Alexander Technique Studio in London (with other teachers). |
WOLF, Jessica |
Jessica Wolf completed her training at ACAT in 1977. She is also a Certified Movement Analyst from the Laban Institute of Movement Studies. Jessica maintains a private practice in New York City and is on the faculty of The Yale School of Drama. From 2002-2003, Jessica directed the first post- graduate training program for Alexander teachers in "The Art of Breathing". She is also responsible for creating the Alexander Program at the Aspen Music Festival. Other faculty appointments include the Juilliard School, SUNY Purchase, Circle in the Square Theatre School, Hunter College, Sarah Lawrence College and the Verbier Music Festival. For over 20 years, Jessica has been exploring and conducting research in respiratory function and breath. She was one of only 12 people given permission by Carl Stough to teach his principles of breathing coordination. |
Duncan trained as an Alexander Teacher with Paul Collins and Elizabeth Langford qualifying in 1979. He has been teaching in private practice for twenty-five years, and has worked as a teacher trainer within a variety of Alexander training courses, including the School of Alexander Studies and Alexander Teaching Associates in London. In 1984, Duncan emigrated to Australia to teach at the Sydney Alexander Teacher Training School. He moved to Melbourne in 1986 and set up the Melbourne Alexander Teacher Training School, where he worked as an Assistant Director and Administrator, becoming the Director in 1991. Duncan has been on staff at the VCA School of Drama, where he taught 'Alexander Technique and Performance' (1996-2000) and continues to lead workshops in managing performance anxiety. He completed a Master of Business in Leadership and Organisation Dynamics in 2000. |
YOUETT, Judith |
Judith Youett has been teaching for over 20 years with experience on three continents. She is a professional musician and performer and has taught Alexander Technique courses at many theatre and music departments at colleges throughout the USA. For ten years she taught at the Actors Movement Studio, Manhattan and for the past four at Bard College where she is a professor in the theatre department. She maintains a private practice in music and Alexander Technique at her studio in Duchess County, NY. |
ZAHN, Rachel |
Now living in Paris Rachel is conducting research in cognitive neuroscience at CREA, Ecole Polytechnique: Psychophysical Practice and the Mind-Body Problem in the 20th Century. She is maintaining an ongoing research dialogue with Walter Carrington, and currently attending advanced training courses Born in Washington, DC she was selected at age 13 to receive in depth training in classical theatre through university level. She received a study grant from the American Conservatory Theatre to train as an Alexander teacher.and received certification from ACAT in 1969. She assisted Judy Leibowitz at Juilliard and at ACAT joining the ACAT faculty from 1972-1981. She collaborated and trained with psychologists and psychiatrists to develop a unique interdisciplinary approach (the Alexander Technique; Gestalt and Ericksonian psychotherapies) to the psychophysical issues of "high performance states" in artists, athletes, and original thinkers. Has maintained a private teaching/treatment practice while participating in ongoing research projects. |