1 Student enrolment
Available for students on accredited teacher training courses. An original letter of student verification required: the letter needs to be on the training course letterhead, specifying start date and end date for the named student. The student rate is open to students who are registered as such in July 2004 (qualifying in July 2004 is acceptable). The letter needs to be signed by the head of training or assistant head of training.
2 Refund policy.
100% less £30 administration fee if cancelling before 1st June 2004. 50% if cancelling before 1st August 2004. No refunds available on college accommodation after 1st August. 50% refund on Congress fees available until 15th August, after which no refunds are available. If payment has been made by credit card a refund can only be made to the credit card. The refund will be made in British Pounds Sterling. If payment has been made by cheque a refund will be made by cheque in British Pounds Sterling (refunds cannot be made in foreign currencies). Any cancellation has to be made in writing.
3 Room details:
All rooms are single rooms and the price covers full board from dinner Monday evening 16th August up to and including breakfast Sunday morning 22nd August but excludes drinks. College accommodation booking must be received before 28th July 2004. Rooms are supplied on a first-come, first-served basis. We are sorry that the Colleges cannot accommodate children under 16.
Smoking is not allowed in any of the meeting halls or the common rooms of the colleges.