Alexander Congress Ltd.
6 Ravenslea Road
London SW12 8SB
fax: +44 (0)20 8772 1073
Home > 7th Congress introduction > How to enrol
In the spirit of the International Congresses we value the many approaches to the learning and teaching of Alexander's work. Registration for the Congress implies agreement to participate in this spirit of mutual respect and not to demean the person or work of other participants. We ask all those enrolling for their participation in fostering a supportive atmosphere where diversity is encouraged and respectful dialogue enjoyed.

Congress fees

Congress fees
Regular enrol £ 260.00
Students regular enrol £ 225.00

Student enrolment is only available for students on Alexander Technique teacher training courses. An original letter of student verification required: the letter needs to be on the training course letterhead, specifying start date and end date for the named student. The student rate is open to students who are registered as such in July or August 2004 (qualifying in July 2004 is acceptable). The letter needs to be signed by the head of training or assistant head of training. This letter should reach the Congress office within 3 weeks of placing your internet enrolment in order to keep your enrolment number. Otherwise you will be assigned a new enrolment number.

Accommodation fees

Booking for colleges ceased 28th July.

Magdalen College - 0 rooms available (0 en-suites)

Single room En-suite
£510 £575

St. Edmund Hall - 0 rooms available (0 en-suites)

Standard single is reduced from £475 to £425 in order to reach our minimum booking obligation.

Single room En-suite
£425 £550

Merton College - 0 full board rooms available (0 en-suites)

0 single bed & breakfast rooms available

Single room En-suite
£475 £565
Single bed & breakfast room

Payment Methods

We accept

  1. British Pound Sterling drawn on a UK bank made payable to 'Alexander Congress Ltd.'
  2. Credit cards and UK debit/switch cards (see enrol on-line below)
  3. Bank transfer. Please transfer to 'Alexander Congress Ltd.', IBAN: GB08MIDL40020831318845, BIC: MIDLGB2105T.
    Name of Bank: HSBC, Charing Cross Branch.
    Addresss: 455 Strand, London, WC2R 0RH.
    Sort code: 40-02-08.
    Swift no. MIDLGB22
    Account no. 31318845
    Name: Alexander Congress Ltd..
    Please specify to your bank that you are to pay all charges in connection with the transfer. Otherwise we will receive less than the full amount and you will be invoiced for the difference.

Enrol on-line

You can enrol on-line here. We accept the following cards:

There is 4.5% credit card surcharge. The amount will show separately on the on-line enrolment form. You will receive an initial e-mail confirmation of your payment. Allow 3-4 weeks to receive a letter with your official enrolment number and receipt.

This payment page has been tested with Internet Explorer and in Mozilla for PC and Netscape 7 for Mac OS9.

Enrolment form

Open enrolment form in pdf (444 kb).

Frequently asked questions

1. Q:What is meant "accredited training course" on the enrolment form?
A: It is to specify that it has to be an Alexander Technique teachers training course. The discounted student rate is only available to people training to be teachers of the Alexander Technique, not students of other studies.
2. Q: What is meant by 'en-suite'?
A: En-suite rooms contain a private toilet and a shower or a bath. Magdalen has only showers in their en-suite rooms. Merton has either shower or bath (a few). Please see Colleges. All colleges offer shared bathrooms in the corridors with either shower or bath.
3. Q: I cannot attend the whole Congress. Why cannot I participate for part of the Congress and only pay for part-time attendence?
A: Because we have limited space we are necessitated by a variety of reasons (financial, organizational) to give priority to people who can attend the Congress full-time. If we can accommodate more people we will sell 'day tickets' but we cannot guarantee the availability of such tickets until the start of the Congress. Remember, everybody who registers late will have limited choice when it comes to workshops.
4. Q: May I have proof of attending workshops etc. for Continous Professional Development?
A: At the beginning of the Congress each delegate will receive a list of workshops/classes they have been allocated. The list will contain the timing and therefore also the length of each workshop/class. The list will specify work-exchange times. This listing will be on Congress Paper and will contain the name of the delegate. The listing will not contain details of 'optional' or extra activities. In conjunction with the receipt for the Congress we hope these details will be enough for CPD.


Lucia Walker is in charge of arranging childcare. Please contact her before 1st August, giving her the ages of children.

Refund policy
100% less £30 administration fee if cancelling before 1st June 2004. 50% if cancelling before 1st August 2004. No refunds available on college accommodation after 1st August. 50% refund on Congress fees available until 15th August, after which no refunds are available. If payment has been made by credit card a refund can only be made to the credit card. The refund will be made in British Pounds Sterling. If payment has been made by cheque a refund will be made by cheque in British Pounds Sterling (refunds cannot be made in foreign currencies). Any cancellation has to be made in writing.

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Home (The International Congresses of the Alexander Technique)
7th Congress introduction | congress directors | History
Programme | timetable | workshop | classes | events | Congresses: background and significance
Accommodation | colleges > college details | hostels | camping | hotels and bed & breakfast | On the origin of Congresses
How to enrol
Getting there | travel details | train | bus | flying | driving
Contributing | an invitation | selection criteria | remuneration | application forms
Site map | credits | report site troubles