Application form to have a stall or a poster session
If more than one person is involved, please give details on a separate sheet. The name given below should be the principal person involved who will be the contact person.
Name: _____________________________________
Tel:_______________________ Mobile:__________________________
I/we would like to have a stall _ a poster session space _ other _ (specify):_________________________
(Stall means the selling of any goods; a poster session is for information, discussion, or contact purposes only).
Name and address of company (if any)___________________________
If stall, please specify product(s) (e.g. books). (The stall room will be open for a fixed time every day, and locked the rest of the time. It is up to you to make sure that your stall is staffed or that goods are removed if no one is staffing your stall during opening hours).
If poster session, please specify subject(s): (Poster session will be placed in communal spaces where there is access throughout the day).
Number of tables requested (we cannot guarantee to provide all the tables you ask for): ______________
Number of chairs requested:______________
Approximate amount of wall-space needed (in sq. feet): ____________________
Do you need power points for equipment you are bringing yourself? Yes _ No _
Further details if necessary:
Submitting this application does not constitute an acceptance on our part to include you. Our concern is to provide participants with a wide variety of choice, representing all traditions and nationalities, and providing high quality products.
Stall space is free for registered participants. Charges for stall space for non-participants as follows:
£100 per day (Tuesday to Friday) incl. VAT. Please include payment with application. Please make cheques payable to Alexander Congress Ltd.
Last date for first round submissions: 10th April 2003. Last date for second round submissions: 10th April 2004.
Your submission will be acknowledged. Please send to: Peter Ribeaux, 46 Stevenage Road, London SW6 6HA.
If you have any queries please contact Peter: +44 (0)20 7731 6348, e-mail:
I hereby apply to have a stall/poster session at the Oxford 2004 International Congress.
signed _______________________ date_______________________
Selection criteria pdf file (requires Adobe Acrobat)
Application forms
To apply to run a workshop, a class or give a presentation, please print-out and fill in the appropriate application form. Please do not return application forms by e-mail: a signature is required.
Application form to run a workshop, a discussion group or give a lecture.
Application form to give a performance.
Application form to have a stall or a poster session.
Stall pdf file - to print out and fill in by hand (requires Adobe Acrobat)