Application form to contribute to an evening performance
If more than one person is involved in the performance, please give details on a separate sheet. The name given below should be the principal performer who will be the contact person.
Name: _____________________________________
Tel:_______________________ Mobile:___________
I/we would like to perform at the Congress.
Title or name of piece to be performed__________________________________
Further details if necessary: (This should be max. 100 words long and may be used in the detailed Congress Programme.)
Duration in minutes:______________
Do you need equipment which are unable to bring yourself? Yes _ No _
If yes, please specify (e.g. microphone).
Do you need power points for equipment you are bringing yourself? Yes _ No _
Do you object to your performance being recorded? (As in Freiburg video and/or audio recording will be done independently of the Congress. There is no payment for this.) Yes _ No _
Please provide a brief biography of no more than 150 words (if more than one person is giving the performance, please continue on a separate sheet):
Submitting this application does not constitute an acceptance on our part to include you. Our concern is to provide participants with a wide variety of choice, representing all traditions and nationalities, and provide high quality presentations.
There is no fee for these performances.
Last date for first round submissions: 10th April 2003. Last date for second round submissions: 10th April 2004.
Your submission will be acknowledged. Please send to: Peter Ribeaux, 46 Stevenage Road, London SW6 6HA.
If you have any queries please contact Peter: +44 (0)20 7731 6348, e-mail:
signed _______________________ date_______________________
Selection criteria pdf file (requires Adobe Acrobat)
Application forms
To apply to run a workshop, a class or give a presentation, please print-out and fill in the appropriate application form. Please do not return application forms by e-mail: a signature is required.
Application form to run a workshop, a discussion group or give a lecture.
Application form to give a performance.
Application form to have a stall or a poster session.
Stall pdf file - to print out and fill in by hand (requires Adobe Acrobat)