Alexander Congress Ltd.
6 Ravenslea Road
London SW12 8SB
fax: +44 (0)20 8772 1073
Home > 7th Congress introduction > Contributing
An open invitation to submit proposals for workshops and presentations

The Congress fulfills a dual purpose of celebrating the Technique and providing a forum for developing the profession. We would like workshops and presentations to reflect both aspects.

The Congress is issuing an open invitation to the Alexander Technique community to submit proposals for workshops and presentations. The broad principles of our selection criteria are presented below.

Congress Book Stall

We are sorry that we are unable to provide an official Congress book stall. The Oxford Examination School has a policy whereby they charge £100 per day for trade stands which is too expensive for a Congress book stall. In addition we have been unable to secure the credit card processing equipment needed to make such a stall successfull.

Authors and small publishers are allowed to sell their own material in a separate room (the 'bazaar'). Here each person will have his or her own table (or tables if more are needed). The 'bazaar', will be open 4:00 to 5:45 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, and 10:30 am to 12:00 noon Thursday. Please use the form for 'stall' at the bottom of this page.

For stalls you may ignore the April dead-line on the form although we cannot promise acceptance after April due to space restrictions.

Selection criteria

General selection criteria

The Congress is a forum for workshops and presentations which bring teachers together to exchange work, knowledge, and experiences of the Technique. The focus may be practical or theoretical, and the purpose directed at improving our own use, developing the profession, developing teaching methods and enhancing our understanding of the Technique.

We are interested in workshops and presentations which fulfill one or more of the above purposes.

Any other subject can be considered in so far as it is of relevance to the learning and teaching of the Technique.

The selection from submitted applications will be carried out in such a way as broadly to represent as many teaching traditions and styles as possible.

Specific criteria

In order to provide a high quality of workshops and presentations we are specifically interested in the following:

1. Does it have a wide appeal?
2. Does it address issues common to teachers from many countries?
3. Is it a new subject?
4. Does it have a new angle on a familiar subject?
5. Does it relate to the teaching of the Technique itself?
6. Is it "about" the Technique?

A presentation does not need to fulfill all of the above criteria as we are committed to include a broad range of subjects, representing many levels of experience, styles, and traditions.

Selection procedure

The selection of workshops will be carried out in two stages:

Some workshops and presentations will selected by April/May 2003 in order to be able to provide a skeleton programme at that stage and the rest by April/May 2004.

Workshop or presentation submissions should arrive no later than by 10th April 2003 or by 10th April 2004. Workshops and presentations not selected in the first round will automatically be carried forward to the second round. Therefore, there is no need to submit your proposal a second time.

Acceptances of proposals will be despatched no later than 1st June 2003 or 1st June 2004. Rejections will be sent out no later than 1st June 2004.

The Congress Directors will make the selection with advice from other teachers.


We hope to pay a fixed fee (about £50) per presentation given. This depends on the financial success of the Congress, and therefore we cannot promise anything at this stage. You are responsible for enrolling as a participant in the Congress.

Selection criteria pdf file (requires Adobe Acrobat)

pdf (Portable Document Format) files requires Acrobat Reader.

Click the botton to download a free copy. Alternatively, Acrobat Reader is frequently distributed on the CDs which come with computer magazines.

If your browser contains PDFviewer, it will allow you to open pdf files on-line. If not, you will have the option of down-loading the pdf files to open later.

Application forms

To apply to run a workshop, a class or give a presentation, please print-out and fill in the appropriate application form. Please DO NOT return application forms by e-mail: a signature is required. Please send forms to:

Peter Ribeaux
46 Stevenage Road
London SW6 6HA

Application form to run a workshop, a discussion group or give a lecture.

Workshop pdf file - to print out and fill in by hand (requires Adobe Acrobat)

Workshop text - to fill in by wordprocessor

Application form to give a performance.

Performance pdf file - to print out and fill in by hand (requires Adobe Acrobat)

Performance text - to fill in by wordprocessor

Application form to have a stall or a poster session.

Stall pdf file - to print out and fill in by hand (requires Adobe Acrobat)

Stall text - to fill in by wordprocessor
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