Alexander Congress Ltd.
6 Ravenslea Road
London SW12 8SB
fax: +44 (0)20 8772 1073
Home > 7th Congress introduction > Accommodation > Map
Overview map (showing Examination Schools, colleges, and railway station).
Detailed map (from the Oxford Visitor's Guide which you will receive with your enrolment confirmation).
Home (The International Congresses of the Alexander Technique)
7th Congress introduction | congress directors | History
Programme | timetable | workshop | classes | events | Congresses: background and significance
Accommodation | colleges > college details | hostels | camping | hotels and bed & breakfast | On the origin of Congresses
How to enrol
Getting there | travel details | train | bus | flying | driving
Contributing | an invitation | selection criteria | remuneration | application forms | congress book stall
Site map | credits | report site troubles