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Colleges - details
Booking for colleges ceased 28th July. For more pictures please see the colleges' own websites, given below. But please contact us regarding any accommodation enquiries and booking! Magdalen College Magdalen College is 150 yards down the High Street from the Examination Schools. It was founded in 1458 and stands in 100 acres of land which contain gardens, a deer park, river walks, water meadows and playing fields. The rooms are situated within the medieval perimeter wall of the College. The College maintains its own launderette for basic linen with coin operated washers and driers. Irons and ironing boards are situated in various locations in the College. Some of the rooms are located in Longwall Street, in old buildings but with completely new interior. There is some traffic in Longwall Street. Magdalen's own website is www.magd.ox.ac.uk. Map showing location: www.multimap.com. En-suite rooms have private toilet and shower. If arriving after 21:30 please arrange this in advance with the Congress Office. No hairdryers are available. Rooms must be vacated by noon Sunday. St. Edmund Hall St. Edmund Hall stands opposite the Examination Schools. It dates from the early thirteenth century although most of the buildings today are from the 17th and 19th centuries. Some of the rooms are in a modern building dating from around 1970. Some rooms are facing the High Street and there may be some traffic during the night. All rooms have shaving lights and sockets. St. Edmund Hall's own website is www.seh.ox.ac.uk. Map showing location: www.multimap.com. Please note that breakfast is served 8:00-8:30 am (not 7:30 as stated in our programme). (Reduced from £475 to £425 in order to reach our minimum booking with St. Edmund). The lodge is manned 24 hours, so late arrivals are not a problem. If arriving after 22:00 please telephone the Lodge on 01865 279000 to warn of your late arrival. Hair dryers are available for rent (for £10 for the period of stay + £10 returnable deposit) from the Bursary, during office hours. Rooms must be vacated by 10:00 am Sunday. Merton College Merton College was founded in 1264 and some of its buildings date from the 14th century. It is situated in the small and quiet Merton Street which lies behind the Examination Schools. There is meadowland running down to the River Thames to the back of the college, and it is therefore in an very quiet location. There is no wheel-chair access. Merton's own website is www.merton.ox.ac.uk. Map showing location: www.multimap.com. En-suite rooms contain private toilet and shower (around 40) or toilet and bath (around 6). NEW: In a separate house outside the College wall Merton has 30 rooms available on a bed & breakfast only basis. It is about one minute's walk from the Examination Schools. Please be aware that lunch and dinner cannot be provided with these rooms. If arriving after 21:30 please arrange this in advance with the Congress Office. No hairdryers are available. Rooms must be vacated by noon Sunday. For B&B rooms there will be a kettle and tea/coffee in the basement kitchenette. Corpus Christi College - no longer available. University College - no longer available. |